This friend, who is also named Daniel, had known him for almost 20 years. The AfD benefits demonstrably from this victim narrative. It isn't the first time that the Saxony police find themselves faced with suspicions of failing to confront the right wing with the necessary determination and force. After all, it fits perfectly into the right-wing cliché of the instinct-driven refugee. And Bulgaria had already approved the application. On the contrary: She was never able to completely hide her contempt for people who failed to seize the opportunities brought by the new era. Indeed, against the liberal, universal values of an enlightened, cosmopolitan society. Peter Gauweiler sei „natürlich“ mit dabei, auch Reinhold Beckmann, wenn auch eher aus Versehen, „aber der ließ sich nicht mehr abschütteln“. He now wants to apply the concepts there to the entire state. One of those networks is the fan group "New Society," whose members refer to themselves as "NS Boys," a clear play on National Socialism. The protests began after the murder on Saturday night of Daniel H. The suspected perpetrators are Syrian and Iraqi nationals. Three AfD parliamentarians from Saxony certainly don't. Neo-Nazis began threatening people they took to be immigrants. Elsewhere in Germany, people are less certain, with many asking if this week's riot are an indication that the ugly German is back -- racist, xenophobic and full of rage. On the second floor of a villa, Andreas Löscher scrolls through Twitter and Facebook in an attempt to find reports of attacks on migrants and to verify them. In a Facebook posting on Tuesday, the AfD chapter in a town near Frankfurt wrote that reporters would "still be given a chance to turn away from the system and report the truth." The rapper Namika performed and City Hall was lit up by colorful lights. Police officials believe that 677 repeat offenders, mostly from Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Georgia, were responsible for over 7,000 infractions. Even before the first official police announcement, the hooligan group "New Society 2004" issued a call for a protest march on Facebook, a post that was widely shared on the internet, along with slogans like "our city, our rules!" Last year, there were 27 murders and 69 cases of manslaughter in the state, which has a population of just over 4 million. ", Add to that frustration and an overload of work. Bei Sarah Wagenknecht, wagt sie aber die Gleichberechtigung. "But in every city of 250,000, murders and rapes unfortunately occur. A private security service stood guard at the meeting in City Hall. : A Search for the Roots of Fear and Racism, stirred up and divided this country for the last three years. "There are tight links between hooligans and Kameradschaften," says hooligan expert Robert Claus, the latter a reference to loose alliances of neo-Nazis. The center of society is eroding, and the fringes are becoming stronger, he says. Bislang ist ja nur bekannt, dass sich die Grünen-Rentnerin Antje Vollmer ebenfalls aufrappeln will. Dort galt die lange Zeit als Kommunistin auftretende Wagenknecht als Protagonistin des linken Parteiflügels. Just hours after the crime, some 800 demonstrators marched through the city, some of them shoving police to the ground while others threatened people who looked like they might be refugees. Indeed, it is unclear why he was never deported back to Bulgaria. In this instance, too, the heads of the Hesse state chapter of the party distanced themselves from the posting and it was eventually deleted. Oliver Maria Schmitt, Der, die, das Berufspolitik*er/In liegt im Segment „Aussterbende Berufe“ ganz weit vorn. When criticism mounted against Frohnmaier's tweet, AfD party boss Alexander Gauland stepped in to try and mollify critics. Part of the mandate of federal prosecutors in Germany is the prosecution of terrorist groups. Not even five hours after the bloody crime, the tabloid website published a report under the headline: "35-Year-Old Dies after Stabbing in the City." Die unterstützen die gute linke Sache, haben „sich bisher aber noch nicht öffentlich geäußert und zur Bewegung bekannt“. "These right-wingers that are now taking advantage of this incident, we used to have to fight them because they didn't think we were German enough," wrote one of Daniel H.'s friends on Facebook. As always at his events, the rules were clear: No interrupting and stick to the facts. But the state government, he says, ignored these slights and the lurch to the right that followed them. Sahra Wagenknecht (40) ist Wortführerin der Kommunistischen Plattform in der Linkspartei. When it comes to serious crimes like murder and manslaughter, the number of cases is so low that fluctuations are more indicative of chance than of shifting trends. After 20 attacks, her landlord cancelled her lease. 20 Jahre waren sie verheiratet, 25 Jahre lang ein Paar. The article you are reading originally appeared in German in issue 36/2018 (September 1th, 2018) of DER SPIEGEL. Gleich wie man zu Sarah Wagenknecht und #aufstehen steht, dieser Artikel ist nanometer platt. "One could see from the participants in the marches that the old structures can still be used for mobilization," says Ulli Jentsch of the Anti-Fascist Press Archive in Berlin. Alaa S., his alleged accomplice, was likewise approachable, at least according to Mohamed Yousif, the boss of the Zana barber shop in Chemnitz who taught S. how to cut hair. Firecrackers and smoke bombs flew through the air, as did paving stones. A woman took a seat and asked if it was acceptable to boo the AfD. This year, he believes the total will be higher, given the number of incidents that have taken place in the last several days. Rise of the Autocrats: Liberal Democracy Is Under Attack. Yousif A. had a room to himself even though he only ever slept there twice a month. But in the state of Hesse over in western Germany, AfD officials felt so empowered by events in Chemnitz that they waged a general attack on press freedom and issued a massive threat against journalists not to their liking. Clare … Yousif A. already had a police record for criminal assault, among other things. According to a report compiled by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, there were 95 such crimes in Saxony in 2017. But the 43-year-old has already been astoundingly clear where he stands in the fight against right-wing extremism. Yousif A. told the officials why he had to flee the northern Iraqi province of Ninive, and it had nothing to do with the political situation there. Why is it always Saxony? "The security situation in Chemnitz is good," Runkel says. Dabei stehe ich Mutter Teresa viel näher.“ Betroffen reichen wir Sahra ein Taschentuch. "Particularly since there are no significant health and material damage," officials noted in the file. The organization "Chemnitz Nazifrei" (Keep Chemitz Free of Nazis) quickly arranged a counter-demonstration to which 1,500 people showed up. He has been outspoken in his criticism of right-wing extremism since taking office. A demonstration against the federal government's refugee policies was registered, but only very few turned up to march. Er war Kanzlerkandidat der SPD für die Bundestagswahl am 2. DER SPIEGEL has learned that the chief federal prosecutor has launched a formal investigation with agency sources saying they were "concerned" about the events in Chemnitz. Two weeks ago, Alaa S. returned to Germany from northern Iraq, where he was apparently visiting his parents. In 2007, an extreme right-wing mob attacked a group of Indians in the town of Mügeln in Saxony. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez de 1 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez en 1 Amadeu Antonio Foundation 2 Amadeu Antonio Stiftung 2 Analysis de 1 Analysis en 1 Andreas Braun de 1 Andreas Braun en 1 Angela Merkel de 1 Angela Merkel en 1 Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer de 1 Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer en 1 Ansgar Dittmar de 1 Ansgar Dittmar en 1 anti-Jewish 1 anti-Judaismus 1 Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund 1 … Essentially, the post said that the center of Chemnitz, a German university town, had become a no-go area for immigrants. Its economy is doing well, its schoolchildren score well on the international PISA test comparing educational attainment, its tourism industry is flourishing and it has the second-lowest unemployment rate among the five eastern German states. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass eine ehemals gute Zeitung so schnell abrutscht wie in den letzten 3 Monaten. It doesn't mean anything more than that." Besonders freut mich aber, dass Bernd Lucke und Frauke Petry mit im Boot sind. He also said, though, that the fight against right-wing extremism cannot be delegated solely to the politicians. Was hat die TAZ sich mächtig nach Rechts bewegt. Indeed, they are even afraid to use their real names, so we will call them Antonia and Marie. The event was well-attended and there were eight chairs around Dulig's kitchen table. Dulig interjected. Here, local residents are seen trying to stop refugees from moving into a hostel in the town of Clausnitz in 2016. Photo Gallery: Has the Ugly German Returned? "Neutrality in party politics was misunderstood as socio-political neutrality." It is, of course, inaccurate to say that AfD supporters are synonymous with right-wing hooligans. It is half true, and half false. They apparently dream of a different model: nationalist, monoethnic, authoritarian and anti-liberal. Nach der Bundestagswahl im September 1998 Gerhard Schr… Bei uns liest die Wahrheit ihre Gedichte vor! He first fell afoul of the law just a few months after his arrival in Germany. Merzig-Silwingen, ein gemütliches Dorf nahe der französischen Grenze. And there was another thing that fueled their doubts about its veracity: Two personal documents that he presented were, according to a BAMF examination, "complete falsifications." The number of crimes committed in communities along the border to the Czech Republic and Poland is at its lowest number in more than 10 years. In the Chemnitz neighborhood of Sonnenberg, where Lokomov is located, right-wing extremists wanted to establish a "national liberated zone" a few years ago, an area that would adhere exclusively to radical right-wing ideology. He lived with three other refugees -- one from Syria, one from Iraq and one from Iran -- in a shared apartment located in multifamily dwelling. Liity Facebookiin ja pidä yhteyttä käyttäjän Helga Regnery-Bär ja muiden tuttujesi kanssa. and "let's show who has the last word in the city!" But they are currently much louder than the majority. The conversation culminated in his realization that: "The real problem is immigration.". In this 2016 archive photo, a fire truck battles the flames of a fire set at a refugee hostel in the city of Bautzen that was to open that year. He said he had fallen in love with a girl, but her father and uncle were not happy with the situation. In Chemnitzer FC, the local football club, there are a lot of neo-Nazis among the fans. Confidential documents from the AfD "Convent," a body that helps to determine the party's political direction, show that considerations were made early on about how the party could strategically exploit headline-grabbing violent crimes. On Monday, Löscher presciently posted a warning on Facebook. If "the state can no longer protect its citizens," then "the people will have to take to the streets to protect themselves.". By contrast, Waibel notes that there were no known racist mob attacks on foreigner hostels in western Germany until 1992. Though the police have said that there is no evidence for that version of events, the story has persisted. The "ugly images" from Chemnitz could only have been prevented with a "significantly larger force," says Jörg Radek, deputy national head of the Union of Police, one of two main police unions in Germany. It isn't without irony that it is in eastern Germany where Angela Merkel, herself of East German extraction, is so passionately hated. "Every attack is one too many and terrible for the victims," Runkel says. "The support provided by the state has grown, but so has the need," says Reissig. Reduce effort, maximise benefits, realise opportunities. A quango chief charged the taxpayer almost £1,000 a year to cover the cost of his membership of an exclusive club. Some participants covered their faces to avoid being identified while others raised their right arms in the Hitler salute. Foreigners were accused of having the wrong attitudes toward work, and their personal hygiene habits were disparaged as "disgusting." "Terms like heimat (homeland) and a strong regional identity on the one hand, and a cosmopolitan openness on the other. The unoccupied chairs could be used by members of the audience who wanted to participate. Political education, he says, has been "entirely eliminated.". The statistics contain a number of conflicts inside of refugee hostels in addition to incidents of domestic violence. On Aug. 29, 2018, the agency rejected the 22-year-old's asylum application -- three days after he is suspected of having stabbed Daniel H. in Chemnitz. During the communist era, foreigners, most of whom originated from the so-called "brother states" of the Eastern Bloc, were accommodated in their own halls of residence. "Daniel was the kind of person who would have done anything for his family and friends," says the friend. Verstehen Sie den Witz?“. The next evening, some 6,000 right-wingers and right-wing sympathizers gathered. Ist halt Eure Lieblingsfeindin. Die damals noch so skandalöse Beziehung zu Ex-Politiker Oskar Lafontaine ist aktuell kaum noch ein Thema. Eine Familie, die zusammenhält, „Dass Konstantin Wecker öffentlich erklärt hat, nicht mitzumachen, das hat mich wütend und traurig gemacht“, bekennt die inzwischen überzeugte Saarländerin. Saxony is the fertile soil out of which Pegida sprouted, the xenophobic group that has been staging weekly marches against Muslims since autumn 2014. A minority here is brutally violating Germany's values and laws." Und drei Grundsätze. @Reisemichel Der Artikel ist auf der Seite "Warheit" erschienen. The state cabinet member takes it with him as he travels across the state to lend people his ear and a bit of support. Naja...ich mag ja oft die Wahrheit Kolumne, aber sich darüber lustig zu machen, dass eine Frau die sich in der politischen Öffentlichkeit bewegt schön ist und "oh-mein-gott-das-geht-ja-gar-nicht" sich stilvoll kleidet und noch dazu eine nicht der gesellschaftlichen Norm entsprechende Beziehung führt, ist nun wirklich von gestern und gehört eher in die Kategorie #metoo. Und Sahra Wagenknecht ist sicher das größte Talent, das DIE LINKE aufzubieten hat. 25.03.2021 „WAGENKNECHT“ Film- und Diskussionsabend mit Sahra Wagenknecht und Andreas Wagner; 21.04.2021, Cottbus Sahra Wagenknecht - … Runkel can't remember a single crime from the last few years that was comparable to the one that just took place. Both groups are under surveillance by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and have been banned from the football stadium for years, but their influence on the more moderate scene is considered to be extensive. „Wecker hat die Bewegung verraten“, sagt die elegante Hausdame. Precincts were closed, leaving entire regions with almost no police. At 3 a.m. that night, the group wandered over to the central boulevard of Brückestrasse, apparently to get money from an ATM machine. On Tuesday, the table was high above the city of Meissen, in the ballroom of the former royal castle. Now the mob is rampaging once again, and one politician from the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) believes that only one thing can help restore democratic attitudes among the electorate in the long term: People need to start talking to each other. The officials didn't believe the story was particularly credible. But there have also been some positive changes in Saxony, and Sebastian Reissig is keen to talk about them. Richter responded in the affirmative, but also warned that it might fall into the right-wing's strategy of driving society into combat mode. Crime statistics for the state of Saxony support Runkel's assessment. „Ich sage immer: Probleme zu verschweigen ist nicht links. Der Mann im Fernsehsessel schaut verwirrt auf, dann fängt er weiter Fliegen. Also, goennen wir ihnen den Spass und hoffen wir, dass sie sich bald ins Privatleben in der Villa der “sozialen Gerechtigkeit” zurueckziehen und niemals wieder in einem Parlament auftauchen. Aber als ich das sagte, da wurde ich mal wieder missverstanden.“ Die gutaussehende Linkspolitikerin mit dem geheimen Faible für Foie gras und Bankenregulierung steht auf und reckt die Fäuste zur eierschalfarbenen Zimmerdecke. In the town of Merseburg, a rampaging mob drove a group of Cubans into the local Saale River, resulting in two drownings. Alienating Immigrants: Is Germany Lurching To the Right? Dass daneben Jan Ulrich, Jörg Kachelmann und Uschi Glas ebenfalls für einen flachen Witz missbraucht werden, ist ja dann schon fast ein Kollateralschaden. "I tried to take care of him a bit," says Yousif. "We need more offspring -- we haven't produced enough ourselves. Sahra Wagenknecht verheiratet mit Oskar Lafontaine. In Saxony, demonstrators confront reporters, as happened most recently in Dresden, when a (now former) employee of the State Criminal Police Office accosted a television team from public broadcaster ZDF. Besser, Oskar Lafontaine voegelt mit Sahra (die ja wirklich verdammt gut aussieht) , als dass sie “Politik” machen. I can't confirm that refugees play an outsized role in such crimes." A bit like Trump, a bit like Orbán. The man's German-flag hat quickly became a symbol of right-wing simpletons who join such marches. In November 2016, an explosive device blew up in the shop window of the culture center Lokomov, after it staged a play about the NSU. Chemnitz and its surroundings have been a right-wing stronghold ever since reunification, even if Germany's domestic intelligence agency, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, currently counts only 150 to 200 extremists in the city.
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