Learn more. Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root. WANT TO SEE HOW IN 2 MINUTES? "juez mixto (Mex): judge of general jurisdiction [jurisdiction over both civil and criminal matters]" Precisely because the judge has jurisdiction in both civil and criminal matters we use "general jurisdiction" in the translation. Last 50 years menor noun. samson.de Turning the dial clockwise increases the set point, and turning it anti- cl ockwise decreases the set point (view from the front with dial housing on top). Vaccination rate picks up in Spain as more than a million vaccines arrive Altogether 2,505,842 members of the public in Spain had received both doses of vaccine by the end of last week. Learn the translation for ‘menor’ in LEO’s English ⇔ Spanish dictionary. Translate MENOR to Spanish online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. Pollution affects the cities and, to a lesser extent, rural areas too. Translation for: 'menor' in Portuguese->English dictionary. Ela é menor de idade: She is under age. Sign up for free today. Over 100,000 English translations of Portuguese words and phrases. Español: Los churros en España son mucho mejores que los churros en Australia. Girando en sentido horario se obtiene un punto de consigna mayor, y girando en sentido antihorario uno menor (mirando de frente con la caja de la escala arriba). Translations in context of "ofensa menor" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: Con el debido respeto, Su Señoría, puede parecerle una ofensa menor pero es algo muy serio para el Sr. Moraga. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus, Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and offers. Mi pieza favorita de Mozart es la Gran Misa en do menor. √ 100% FREE. Contextual translation of "no menor" into English. Human translations with examples: not less. √ Fast and Easy to use. Last 10 years b. El menor fallecido tenía numerosos problemas y antecedentes autolesivos. √ 100% FREE. * en paños menores = in + Posesivo + underclothes. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. Mais exemplos (retirados de publicações internacionais): Geografía. * en mayor o menor grado = to a greater or lesser degree. The English translation translation of the Excel function K.ESIMO.MENOR is: K.ESIMO.MENOR: SMALL. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. the contract agreement the agreement the lease the contracts #} Menor. inglés inglés - japonés inglés - coreano inglés - español japonés - inglés español - inglés ... menor menor 1 adjetivo, pronombre 1 en edad (comparativo) younger • Es menor que yo. English words for menor include less, smaller, minor, lesser, least, younger, small, junior, juvenile and young. No volvía en sí, de su asombro y, sin embargo, no cabía la menor duda: La manifestación había fracasado. A total of 1,066,350 doses of coronavirus vaccines, 672,750 by Pfizer/BioNTech and 393,600 from Moderna, are being distributed to the.. Give me the smallest tomato you have, please. √ Fast and Easy to use. Have you tried it yet? Unlock Spanish with the Paul Noble method. the comparative of little. man, dog, house). Spanish to English translations from Longman. menor translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'arresto menor',arte menor',Asia Menor',caza menor', examples, definition, conjugation bab.la is not responsible for their content. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Look up the Spanish to English translation of menor in the PONS online dictionary. the economy is growing at an ever slower rate; la frecuencia de los autobuses es cada vez menor, la polémica causada en Italia y, en menor grado, en Alemania, si eres menor de 18 años no puedes entrar, en Holanda un 95% de niños menores de un año están vacunados contra la poliomielitis, no tiene ni idea de que su pareja es menor de edad, una de las personas en la pareja es menor de edad, allí descubrieron a un gran número de jóvenes menores de edad que estaban tomando copas, dos jóvenes menores de edad se han escapado de su casa, two under-age youngsters have run away from home, le condenaron a treinta días de arresto porque era menor de edad: si hubiera cumplido los veinte añoa ahora estaría en la cárcel, Sinfonía Número 5 en do menor de Tchaikovsky, Un acorde en mi menor es precisamente eso y no pretende ser nada mas, la persona se constituía en clérigo al recibir la primera orden menor, Juliano incluso había recibido las ordenes menores y era lector en la Iglesia de Macellum, Luxemburgo, el país de menor tamaño de la Unión Europea, el partido de menor asistencia de la liga, El Estado con menor número de siniestros laborales es Países Bajos, Entre las provincias con menor número de multas destacan Ceuta y Melilla, realizó la vuelta en el menor número de golpes, he finished the round in the lowest number of shots, En casa debería tenerse el menor número posible de medicamentos, cómo dilapidar la mayor cantidad de dinero público en el menor tiempo posible, Alberto Martín, campeón de Europa para menores de dieciséis años, un sacerdote acusado de violar a dos menores. Information and translations of menor in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … What does menor mean? This means that the noun can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of person it refers to (e.g. (superlative) a. smallest (in size) Dame el menor … This page provides all possible translations of the word menor in the English language. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. Spanish Polonia actualmente recicla la menor cantidad de residuos de la UE, sólo un 4 %. √ 100% FREE. The nuts and bolts of conversations revolve around common courtesies. minor definition: 1. having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when compared with other things of…. Results: 271646, Time: 0.0462 #} El contrato. los libros están ordenados de menor a mayor the books are arranged by size, from small to large. See 2 authoritative translations of Hermana menor in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Translations in context of "menor" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: o menor, a menor ideia, é menor, a menor idéia, de menor dimensão Spanish Lo que sí tenemos claro es que no es aceptable que se aplique a menores de edad . the big dog). Find out its meaning and how it is used! young offender - infant - juvenile - minor. Habrá menor visibilidad y porcentaje de voto. Examples of using El contrato menor in a sentence and their translations. the smallest island, the smallest of the islands, he's still a bit young to go out on his own, este ordenador es demasiado potente, yo me las arreglaría con algo menor, los libros están ordenados de menor a mayor, the books are arranged by size, from small to large, acudieron en menor número que la última vez, su aportación es diez veces menor que la nuestra. Use this function to return values with a particular relative standing in a data set. Meaning and examples for 'menor' in Spanish-English dictionary. Nevertheless, there are worse beaches than these. These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Translation of "arresto menor" in English. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … That lesser evil's looking less and less lesser. All rights reserved. El menor de los males parece cada vez más pequeño. Notify me … Este tipo de delitos (acoso, violencia de menores) tienen una dificultad probatoria muy grande. menor adjective. Context sentences for "menor" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. he was arrested for selling drugs to minors; Detuvieron a Juan León A.Z., de 18 años de edad, y un menor de 15, ambos vecinos del pueblo de Benimámet, suitable/not suitable for (young) children, suitable for children accompanied by an adult, esta película es apta para menores acompañados, un menor de edad no podrá ser llevado ante los tribunales, un tercio de la población, incluídos menores de edad, es víctima del alcohol, la venta al por menor supera estos días las cantidades vendidas a los mayoristas, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011, aunque te tengo que decir que mi hermano menor es, although I must say that my younger brother is. minor definition: 1. having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when compared with other things of…. No te preocupes; no tiene la menor importancia. the contract agreement the agreement the lease the contracts #} Menor. Details / edit. Meaning and examples for 'n menor' in Spanish-English dictionary. Copy to clipboard. menores translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'labios menores',abuso de menores',corrupción de menores',delincuencia de menores', examples, definition, conjugation Examples of using El contrato menor in a sentence and their translations. minor - marginal - lesser - lower - smaller - younger. Mar Menor (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmar meˈnor], "Minor sea") is a salty lagoon, in the southeast of the autonomous community of Murcia, in Spain.It separated from the Mediterranean sea by La Manga, a sandbar 22 kilometres (14 mi) in length and with a width ranging from 100 metres (330 ft) to 1,200 metres (3,900 ft). (de cantidad) fewer ⧫ less. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. SMALL You can translate your formula completely. All Years el doctor, la doctora). English Translation of “venta al por menor” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Translate Menor que. Dame el menor tomate que tengas, por favor. Interactive Excel courses for you to get you better at work and school. Last 300 years. Se trataba de la localización de dos menores fugadas, una de ellas, de 15 años, lo detuvieron por vender drogas a menores. EL PAIS SEMANAL IN ENGLISH Mar Menor: Nature’s payback A saline lagoon in Spain’s southeastern region of Murcia has become a symbol of how a lack of respect for the environment can backfire. La exposición incluye obras menores de Picasso. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. minor less child juvenile under the age. Contextual translation of "yo soy el menor" into English. This popular spot made global headlines in October when thousands of dead fish washed up on shore. View usage for: menor - translate into English with the Portuguese-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary The exhibition contains minor works by Picasso. En 2017 fueron 49 los menores internados. necesito una cantidad menor de botellas I … Learn more with unlimited dictionary access. La contaminación afecta a las urbes y, en menor medida, también a las zonas rurales.Pollution affects the cities and, to a lesser extent, rural areas too. Read our series of blogs to find out more. infant. English: His brother is much younger than him. English translation of 'menor'. slightest shorter shortest small reduced. Results: 271646, Time: 0.0462 #} El contrato. Look up the Spanish to English translation of menores in the PONS online dictionary. Discuss this menor English translation with the community: 0 Comments. Tengo que comprar una talla menor de pantalón. adjective. Para dizer isso em inglês, faça uso das opções a seguir. Context examples for "delito menor" in English (!) Of all these, which is the lowest figure? Other translations. Principal Translations: Spanish: English: en mayor o en menor grado expr expresión: Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o más palabras ("Dios nos libre", "a lo hecho, pecho"). CONTEXT EXAMPLES. Description. English Translation of “menor” | The official Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary online. Meaning and examples for 'menor' in Spanish-English dictionary. the Double, and figurative language to reveal how woman’s cultural identity is a learned behavioral pattern … √ Over 1,500,000 translations. The Yacht Club of Los Alcázares, on the Mar Menor. 1. Look up the Portuguese to English translation of menor in the PONS online dictionary. 527, eran de nacionalidad española más de la mitad, 9.854 menores. English words for menor include less, smaller, minor, lesser, least, younger, small, junior, juvenile and young. Many translated example sentences containing "menores" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. Context sentences for "menores de edad" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Se presentaba siempre con el cuello almidonado, los zapatos brillantes y el ostentoso alfiler de corbata oriental del que no tiene donde caerse muerto. ¿Quién es la persona menor en la familia. Trabajo, producción y espacio industrial. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. infaunt. underage younger youngest. I was running late, but that was the least of my problems. Translations in context of "menor" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: menor de, menor que, al por menor, menor de edad, menor número Translation of El contrato menor in English. How to say menor In English - Translation of menor to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica, Including: Translation of words and sentences, English synonyms, example sentences, related phrases, audio pronunciation, personal word lists and more Vol 3. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo.com! An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. Translation for 'menor' in the free Portuguese-English dictionary and many other English translations. No registration is required. Translate El menor. Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set. Cuando el … bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation This week's Spanish word is 'negocio' Español: Su hermano es mucho menor que él.
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