over the hump. When one is over the "hump" of seeking for external paradises, of seeking a place to rest which is neither [...] too hot nor too cold, when one realizes that that ideal place exists only in his own mind and in a positive attitude towards the Universe, then one is walking firmly on the spiritual path. over the worst part. .ca 1965 in DARE (Dictionary of American Regional English): Hump day was used by counselors at summer camp to mean Wednesday." Wirk simply means Internet Work. I’d never traveled by sleeper train before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Over the Hump Saver, Pahrump, Nevada. How to use hump in a sentence. To grind one's genitalia in a press-and-release pattern against a particular object or surface; usually associated with an inanimate object. Information and translations of HUMP in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Translations in context of "over the hump" in English-German from Reverso Context: You and I can get them over the hump. Allegedly, there are still over 500 wrecks scattered around the routes that they flew over the Hump during WW II. Accessed 3 Apr. The path goes over a large hump by a tree. das Schlimmste überstanden haben [ugs.] Going over the hump means facing a challenge, and over the hump means you have overcome that challenge. to be over the moon (about / with sth.) A low rise over the ground’s surface is also called a hump. It means the hardest part of your current task is complete. Lv 7. #Cubs and #MLB news for you. 0 0. brandy . over the moon selig - überglücklich over the moon [ugs.] See you Friday at 7 pm! Over the hump describes a situation in which one has already endured the most difficult part of something, the point where one may relax and coast into success. A rounded mass or protuberance, such as the fleshy structure on the back of a camel or of some cattle. über den Berg sein [ugs.] Learn More about over the hump Dictionary Entries near over the hump What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over. Similarly, Hump Night. In India, the layout of a sleeper train car is very economical. 3. an album by the band called the Kelly Family in 2004. Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß. Hump Night, they called it, halfway home.') Over the Hump (dt. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Over the hump Definition: If you say that you are over the hump , you mean that you no longer have a problem or... | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele German translation: über den Berg sein ; Verwandte Phrasen. Over the hump definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. (1977 Langone 'Life at Bottom,' 202: Some of the parties in midwinter, that's when you're over the hump. 3K likes. It means the hardest part of your current task is complete. The Hump was the name given by Allied pilots in the Second World War to the eastern end of the Himalayan Mountains over which they flew military transport aircraft from India to China to resupply the Chinese war effort of Chiang Kai-shek and the units of the United States Army Air Forces (AAF) based in China. It means to finally bring something to an end successfully. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. 1955 AS (American Speech) x 226: Hump Night.Wednesday night, which is over the hump of the week. We‘re over the hump of the last week of February! over the worst of it. be over the hump definition: 1. to be past the most difficult or dangerous part of an activity or period of time: 2. to be past…. hump (hŭmp) n. 1. Definition of over the top in the Idioms Dictionary. überglücklich Adj. See full dictionary entry for hump Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. "hump day" What does HUMP mean? “The Hump” was the nickname Allied pilots gave the airlift operation that crossed the Himalayan foothills into China. As a verb to hump means ‘to raise the back as to form a hump,’ like some animals do when they’re scared or annoyed. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/over+the+hump. Over the hump. The missions served to supply the Chinese army in the stuggle against the Japanese, and supplemented the Stillwell Road supply line thru Burma. There is some disagreement over which day of the week should be the "hump," since it varies depending on when a person works and how a week begins. "Over the hump" means more passing a rough spot, while "über'n Berg" means you got over something very serious, mostly health related. b. Delivered to your inbox! Lv 4. RTW Post #49: Over The Hump. The English idiom " over the hump " and the German " über'n Berg " differ a bit in the meaning. " 2. The idiom to describe Wednesday is. 3. This means you are almost over the worst of things in a particular task or can be used to refer to the middle of the work week (Wednesday) - the week is over half done. Definition of Over the hump. It is halfway or more of your work week. Sleeper Train Slumber Party. A rounded mass or protuberance, such as the fleshy structure on the back of a camel or of some cattle. "hump day" 2. intoxicated on a drug (s). It is also used to describe Wednesday in a work week from Monday to Friday. Discover . A B-24 and two Tenth Air Force C-47s were damaged. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "be over the hump" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Hump definition is - a rounded protuberance: such as. How to use over the hump in a sentence. Over the Hump Saver. The worst period for the ATC, and other crews flying the Hump, commenced on October 13, 1943, when Japanese fighters operating from forward fields in central Burma attacked Allied aircraft over northern Burma. Little Chickie :) Lv 5. 4 min read Wednesday is commonly known as Hump Day. It's almost like tennis elbow or a golfer's elbow. In Reply to: Over the hump posted by Brian from Shawnee on November 02, 2005: : : I am trying to find out what the phrase "over the hump" means. Loads over the Hump grew slowly until the arrival of Consolidated C-87s (converted B-24s) in December 1942 and the Curtiss C-46 in April 1943. Look it up now! “That's what got us over the hump and gave us the advantage in the first half.”. ‘That's what got us over the hump and gave us the advantage in the first half.’ ‘If we lose our energy, we don't have one player who can get us over the hump or even to the free throw line late in the game.’ ‘Something like this could really get us over the hump.’ ‘‘They look like they're over the hump … "Over the hump" was an expression used by U.S. airmen (and I assume British airmen as well) to describe missions flown from India to China and back, during World War II. This means you are almost over the worst of things in a particular task or can be used to refer to the middle of the work week (Wednesday) - the week is over half done. However, there is a much bigger hill to climb when one decides they want to stop going back into the darkness of sexual sin. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. What does over the top expression mean? All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Sourabh Singh. "Sie ist über'n Berg" means she feels better now, even in the meaning of her surviving something. The Hump (La Bosse en français) est le nom donné par les pilotes alliés pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale à l'extrémité orientale des montagnes himalayennes au-dessus desquelles ils pilotèrent des avions de transport militaire de l'Inde à la Chine pour réapprovisionner l'effort de guerre chinois de Chiang Kai-shek et les unités des United States Army Air Forces (AAF) basées en Chine. The idiom to describe Wednesday is. How to use hump in a sentence. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. The oldest and largest circulation advertiser in Nye County. it takes one to know one. Definition of be over the hump in the Idioms Dictionary. 's eyes [coll.] 4. a. getting over a middle point. This is the British English definition of be over the hump.View American English definition of be over the hump. Hump definition, a rounded protuberance, especially a fleshy protuberance on the back, as that due to abnormal curvature of the spine in humans, or that normally present in certain animals, as … put off. I believe there is also a “Hump Day” in recovery. on the road to recovery. keen on something-15.2%. Meaning of HUMP. Well-Known Member. Learn more. The definition of a hump is a rounded lump or bump. That means we are well on our way to Fri-yay at the VFW in Miles City. Creating an airlift presented the AAF a considerable challenge in 1942: it had no units trained or equipped for moving cargo, and no airfields existed in the China Burma India Theater(CBI) for basing th… See also main entry: hump See also main entry: hump Thesaurus Trending Words. over the top phrase. It’s the day of the week that represents the middle of the workweek, meaning that … Two transports, a C-46 and a C-87, were shot down that day along with a CNAC DC-3. Vulgar Slang The act or an instance of having sexual intercourse. to be over the hump. See full dictionary entry for hump The definition of a hump is a rounded lump or bump. Things will be easy from now on. Everything on the other side is downhill all the way (easier). Over the hump definition is - past the most difficult part of something (such as a project or job). Reactions: mrjerry469, Adumb, RedHotFuzz and 5 others. Learn more. Hump definition is - a rounded protuberance: such as. 2. 0 0. busterwasmycat. After about two years of postponing the basement repair, we have all became adept at stepping. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! over the hump, past the most difficult, time-consuming, or dangerous part or period: The doctor says she's over the hump now and should improve steadily. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). “Over the hump.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/over%20the%20hump. 2021. 1200 crewmembers are reported as still missing here and the US Government undertakes steps to soon start the search and recovery of its servicemen lost, now over 70 years ago in the world’s most inhospitable terrain. What does hump mean? Es ist noch nicht aller Tage Abend. ‘That's what got us over the hump and gave us the advantage in the first half.’ ‘If we lose our energy, we don't have one player who can get us over the hump or even to the free throw line late in the game.’ ‘Something like this could really get us over the hump.’ ‘‘They look like they're over the hump … Most of the time is gonna be hip related and if you wanna learn about the hip, make sure you look at some of the other conversations we've had on hump day Wednesday nights, but if you do have an IT band issue that's really pulling over here you're gonna start to get a condition called runner's knee, and you don't really need to run. March 17, 2021 4:30 pm . Find 24 ways to say over the hump, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. … Se non quest'anno, forse l'anno prossimo, farà superare la crisi alla squadra del CalSci. 5 years ago. Definition von over the hump Ausdruck [usually verb-link PHRASE, PHRASE after verb] If you say that you are over the hump, you mean that you no longer have a problem or difficulty that was stopping you being successful or happy. A hump is a rounded lump that sticks up, like the one on the back of a camel. Does the phrase "over the hump" mean the person that said it doesn't enjoy sex anymore? Get past the main obstacle. on the way up. Definition of HUMP in the Definitions.net dictionary. 3. (Amer.) on the up and up. A deformity of the back in humans caused by an abnormal convex curvature of the upper spine. [idiom] überglücklich sein (über etw. hump definition: 1. a large, round raised area or part: 2. a round raised part on a person's or animal's back: 3…. Internet work is defined by job opportunities that did not exist before the rise of the internet and furthermore the work is likely to be carried out over the internet and payment received for work undertaken via the internet. A deformity of the back in humans caused by an abnormal convex curvature of the upper spine. Past the worst, most difficult, or most stressful part (of something); more than halfway done (with something). At last I'm over the hump on my term paper. It's not over till the fat lady sings. 자세히 알아보기. The sentence it appears in is "He knows he's gone over the hump here, and he's in … There are other sources for negative associations with Wednesdays, and few holidays are regularly celebrated on this day. What made you want to look up over the hump? Charlie humped his rucksack up the stairs. Posted by Steve E on November 02, 2005. to be over the hump [ugs.] View fullsize. A mountain range. It became for many the “Skyway to Hell”. It was the Army Air Force’s most dangerous airlift route, but it was the only way to supply Chinese forces fighting Japan — and things weren’t going well for China. Turns out, I really enjoyed this mode of transport. If so, it means someone is fed up and being told to get over it. It is also used to describe Wednesday in a work week from Monday to Friday. It is halfway or more of your work week. 7/13 Res - 4 dr Antimatter OBX 2.7 Sasquatch, lux, roast leather, MIC top, aux switches, floor liners. Es wurde ein großer kommerzieller Erfolg und führte zum Durchbruch der Band im deutschsprachigen Raum. A culture of internet only jobs has coined the phrase Wirk. 1 decade ago. I know this project has been trying, but we're finally over the hump. What does be over the hump expression mean? Everything should go smoothly now. wvmtneer. 7.7%. 06/11/14 - 6/12/14: Bikaner, Rajasthan, India. Going over the hump means facing a challenge, and over the hump means you have overcome that challenge. New, 1 comment. : past the most difficult part of something (such as a project or job) A few more months of hard work should be enough to get/put us over the hump on this project. The C-46 was a large super-charged twin-engine aircraft capable of flying faster, higher and carrying heavier loads than the C-47. This idiom has several meanings: 1. over the most difficult part of something; past a midpoint of something, but not in relation to a particular age. be over the hump phrase. (I think the air conditioning had something to do with it.) The Image of a Hump "Hump day" refers to the idea that a week, especially a work week, is like a hill. Wirk describes both full time and part time internet work. take on-11.3%. Informally, in US English, it means ‘to hurry or exert yourself’ and, as a slang term, it means ‘to have sex.’ . The idea that getting over hump day means you can start thinking about the weekend an what you are going to do on your 2 days off. Akk.) I mean, if not for this year, then maybe next year he'll get CalSci over the hump. NEW. Adjective. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Klay Thompson is going through a sea of setbacks that are pushing him away from the love of his life, Basketball. Over the hump began as an idiom used by American servicemen, describing flying over the Himalayas. "Wir helfen Dir über den Berg" would be understood and not be totally wrong, yet not really exactly the same as "over the hump". Monday and … The Niners, when healthy, are certainly a Super Bowl contender, and making the right draft picks could push them over the hump. It means to finally bring something to an end successfully. 2. intoxicated on a drug(s). Definition of 'over the hump' phrase [usually verb-link PHRASE, PHRASE after verb] If you say that you are over the hump, you mean that you no longer have a problem or difficulty that was stopping you being successful or happy. 1 decade ago. 5.0%. Do you mean "got the hump" and therefore get over it?! [coll.] A few more months of hard work should be enough to get/put us, Post the Definition of over the hump to Facebook, Share the Definition of over the hump on Twitter. etwa Über den Berg [sein]) ist das achte Studioalbum der Gruppe The Kelly Family. Stop in and say hi, have a drink, and dance a song or two. 0 0. Also means if the plastic hump plus the little felt ledge leading up to the backseat is in total 5.5” then the height of the hump is probably closer to 4” than 5” Advertisement . When you get over the hump, life is so much better. Getting over the hump requires that parents establish the legitimacy of their authority, and unequivocally so, during that critical 18-month period. Change your default dictionary to American English. 3. an album by the band called the Kelly Family in 2004. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, The Hump: America's Strategy for Keeping China in World War II, Over the Horizon Tactical Tracking System. Past the worst or most difficult part or stage: rising and falling in the shape of a hump. to be over the hump [ugs.] Cub Tracks gets over the hump. Sie ist über'n Berg " means she feels better now, even in the meaning of her surviving something. Learn a new word every day. I couldn’t agree more. A low mound of earth; a hummock. What does be over the hump expression mean? journ. ‘Over the Hump’: Warriors Reporter Sympathises with Klay Thompson and Discusses His Redemption. to be plastered all over the front pages of the tabloids: auf allen Titelseiten der Boulevardpresse prangen: to hump the back: buckeln: to throw off the hump: vom Stock drehen: to be unable to pull the wool over sb. By. By ... As always, * means autoplay on, or annoying ads, or both (directions to remove for Firefox and Chrome). What does over the top expression mean? Definition of Over the hump. Traductions en contexte de "hump day" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : It's hump day, your favorite day. What does hump mean? We employed our resources to get our Earth allies over the hump , so to speak, and together with our Agarthan brethren we began to make sense of your cultural behavior patterns and the way your many societies are put together. Learn more. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Over the hump " means more passing a rough spot, while " über'n Berg " means you got over something very serious, mostly health related. " be over the hump 의미, 정의, be over the hump의 정의: 1. to be past the most difficult or dangerous part of an activity or period of time: 2. to be past…. Your source for savings. Hump definition, a rounded protuberance, especially a fleshy protuberance on the back, as that due to abnormal curvature of the spine in humans, or that normally present in certain animals, as …
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