The European Values Study (EVS) is a large-scale, cross-national, repeated cross-sectional survey research programme on basic human values. Sweden: European Social Survey 2016-2017. Buying for Social Impact (BSI) is a project commissioned by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the European Commission Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) to promote the use of social considerations in public procurement procedures. European alary urvey 2017 Swiss ersion 03 • Countries where employer social charges are the highest are France, Sweden, Italy, Slovakia and Belgium • French employer cost remains the highest regardless the level of income due to the uncapped social security contributions EUROPEAN SRI STUDY 2018 2 Sponsors Amundi is Europe’s largest asset manager by assets under management and ranks in the top 10[1] globally. Youth for Europe . The European Pillar of Social Rights aims to address some of the policy challenges ... to calls by the European Council and the European Parliament. Objective: The aim of the study was to assess patterns in the use of social media (SM) platforms and to identify the training needs among European gynecologic oncology trainees. Amundi offers its clients in Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East European Advocacy . While self-reported loneliness has not increased in Europe over the past decade, not much is known about longer term changes. Switzerland: European Social Survey 2016-2017. European companies play a crucial role in getting out of the crisis and in reaching the goals of the European 2020 strategy for sustainable, inclusive and smart growth. Box 7851 SE-103 99 Stockholm Website Tel. Data Dictionary - Survey European Statistics 2010; Social Explorer Tables (SE); Population by Citizenship; T036_022; Sweden Contact us. Established in 1984 by its founding members Australia, Germany, Great Britain and the US, the ISSP has since included members covering various cultures around the globe. Evidence presented in this article, based on national election results and the 2002–2003 European Social Survey, shows the overall turnout rate for 22 European countries in elections between 1999 and 2002 was 70 per cent compared to 51 per cent for electors aged less than 25. It provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values and opinions of citizens all over Europe. Fieldwork for this survey round was conducted from early 2017 to mid-2020. The World Value Survey allows cross-country comparisons of self-reported trust attitudes. : +46 85 63 08 50 0 Fax: +46 85 63 08 55 0 E-mail: It manages more than 1.470 trillion[2] euros of as- sets across six main investment hubs[3], including 280 billion[2] in responsible investments. 66% of respondents in this survey are optimistic about the future of the European Union. Contact. International Social Survey Programme The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration programme conducting annual surveys on diverse topics relevant to social sciences . Högskoleverket (HSV) [ENIC-NARIC Sweden] Swedish National Agency for Higher Education [ENIC-NARIC Sweden] P.O. Många frågor i den senaste omgången av surveyundersökningen är återkommande och ställdes för första gången i den fjärde omgången av undersökningen, som genomfördes under 2008 och 2009, men många frågor är också nya. This is the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education website. This survey is the Swedish part of the 2004 'European Social Survey ' (ESS), and is focusing on health and care seeking, economic morality and work, family and well-being. EU Social Security Survey EU Social Security Survey ... in the 28 countries of the European Union and Norway and Switzerland. Social Enterprising. Taiwan: Taiwan Social Change Survey 2016. The action plan for a European Pillar of Social Rights will mark the next decade of European policies, European Commission advisor on social rights José António Vieira da Silva has said. This population-based time-trend study examines gun violence rates among males in Sweden during the years 1996 to 2015 and compares the rate in Sweden to other Western European countries. The Special Eurobarometer survey on the Future of Europe was carried out between 22 October and 20 November 2020 in the 27 EU Member States. Joint Associazione di promozione sociale Via Giovanola 25 C 20142 MILANO Tel: (+39) 02 4547 2364 Our survey showed that Europeans’ attitudes towards the United States have undergone a massive change. Note 1: European Social Survey (2010, 2012 and 2014). The main focus of the third European Company Survey was on work organisation, workplace innovation, HR practices, employee participation and social dialogue. 4 Countries can be added by clicking on the option at the bottom of the chart. European Social Survey genomfördes för åttonde gången under 2016/2017 i 23 olika länder. SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a research infrastructure for studying the effects of health, social, economic and environmental policies over the life-course of European citizens and beyond. This survey is the Swedish part of the 2006 'European Social Survey ' (ESS), and is focusing on timing of life and personal and social well-being. Methods: In 2014, a web-based survey was sent to 633 trainees from the European Network of Young Gynaecological Oncologists (ENYGO) database. Suriname: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010. World Values Survey (WVS) is a global research project that explores people’s values and beliefs, their stability or change over time and their impact on social and political development of the societies in different countries of the world. This is the key finding of a pan-European survey of more than 15,000 people in 11 countries commissioned by the European Council on Foreign Relations, and conducted in November and December by Datapraxis and YouGov. The survey also includes data on media and social trust, politics, subjective well being, household characteristics and socio-demographics as well as human values as part of the core module of ESS. International Workcamps . Welcome to the World Values Survey! The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a collaboration between different nations conducting surveys covering topics which are useful for social science research.The ISSP researchers develop questions which are meaningful and relevant to all countries which can be expressed in an equal manner in different languages. The findings come from a Pew Research Center survey about news media and politics across eight Western European countries conducted from Oct. 30 to Dec. 20, 2017. A new survey commissioned by the European Parliament and conducted between November and December 2020 by Kantar finds an increase of ten percentage points in the number of citizens who expressed a positive view of the EU (50%) compared to autumn 2019. Eurofound, Wyattville Road, Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin, D18 KP65, Ireland + 353 1 2043100 It contains free materials about the Agency's work in the field of inclusive education, in co-operation with its 31 member countries. Swaziland: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014. The European Parliament and the European Commission are today releasing the first-ever Eurobarometer survey conducted jointly for the two institutions. The survey covered five countries in the north (Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and three in the south (France, Italy and Spain). The forms on this page are valid if you legally live in an EU country, irrespective of your nationality. Data were collected from six registries and are presented descriptively per 100,000 inhabitants. These forms are useful for exercising your rights to benefits as an EU national living and/or working in an EU country other than your own — or having done so in the past.. As it can be seen, there are very large differences in levels, and trends tend to be fairly stable. Forms that certify your benefits (social security) situation when moving within the EU. The survey was carried out between March and September 2012 and presents the most comprehensive survey worldwide on women’s experiences of violence. Spain: European Social Survey 2017. Data from the European Social Survey shows just how different the experiences of men and women are when it comes to the fundamental freedom of being able to walk alone at night. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, it has reported 37 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, compared with … The European Social Model is an example for the rest of the world of a society based on social justice and solidarity, where economic and social advancement take equal priority, and where decent work and social protection combat poverty and social exclusion. Existing evidence is unclear on whether the rather recent phenomenon of participation in social media increases loneliness or can in fact substitute for face- -to Joint EVS/WVS 2017-2020 data-set release The World Values Survey Association (WVSA) and the European Values Study (EVS) are happy to announce the release of the official joint EVS-WVS 2017-2020 data-set. This visualization shows estimates of the share of survey respondents agreeing with the statement “most people can be trusted”. The survey provides a ... Sweden, France, Hungary and Slovakia show very low values compared to the rest. St. Lucia: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2012.
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