To learn more, read our disclaimers & disclosure page. The most popular bodybuilding message boards! The exact role of genetics in bodybuilding is not fully understood. They got lucky!”, he cries. Is our sex drive at an all-time high or is lack of sleep pulling us down? Check out Lee Priest’s blunt take on this aspect of the sport in the video above! Hardly ever looks shredded (naturally higher BF). Evidence suggests ectomorphs may suffer because of inefficient satellite cells surrounding the muscle fibers. Here’s what to look out for: Think of that guy in high school who was naturally tall, athletic, and possessed the perfect ‘V’ taper. Bad genetics is just an excuse that weak people with poor discipline make to explain why they can't achieve goal that they don't set. It’s really simple. This can make training for fat loss as an endomorph hard, which is probably why so many go into power dominated sports. More like treading water, drinking a cold one with hot bikini models, and getting the best from both worlds. Bodybuilders lift and eat and sprint and don't whine about their genetics. It’d also be awesome if our levels of cortisol were naturally low. © 2021 The best way I think we can look at the role of genetics is to do some comparisons between athletes of similar age, height, weight and years of training. (left), Jay Cutler - 295 lbs. Genetics. Ideally, our endogenous production of growth hormone and androgens like testosterone would be high. More often than not, it turns out that the muscle is really OK - it just needed your full and undivided attention. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) The life of a competitive bodybuilder is not for the faint of heart, as it’s a tough … Genetics: The Cold Hard Truth. So, to wrap it up - theres not much you can do about this. Ever bump into the skinny guy who’s been hammering his hamstrings for years but has wheels like a second-hand toddler trike? Too bad these genetic marvels are very rare. The guy with longer arms are holding a longer bar, making the mechanics work against him. Your first stop for gym news, men’s fitness trends and the latest advice brought to you by experts. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Required fields are marked *. So much for the cosmetic part of genetics. Larry Scott, one of the all-time greats, came sliding out of the womb with shoddy shoulders. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) In that pre-internet era when I began, before such articles as this and info about genetic potential was readily available, I naively expected to eventually build a physique along the lines of at least a Frank Zane if I consistently, properly trained and ate. They work very hard, both on diet and training, to minimize fat as much as possible while building muscle. Bodybuilding is all about Symmetry. Hard work usually always beats talent and even Arnie had to overcome less than ideal circumstances. The guy's a manlet, only 5'6" officially, and went on massive bulks to put on size. It is possible to be somewhere between two. So it should come as no surprise that, when it comes to bodybuilding, they’re seen as a pretty big deal. The reason for this is because many young bodybuilders early on in their career, fall into the “ Chest, Bis” trap. Although they’re not a concrete outline of every individual, many of us fall into one category. There isn't a bodybuilding magazine that hasn't covered this at least 10 times, so I'll keep it short: By trimming down your waist and beefing up your deltoids, you'll create the illusion of having broad shoulders. When you look at a great champion like Phil Heath, more often than not one thought that comes to mind is that the man was blessed with some above average genetics. This information will help you determine your genetics (good or bad). participates in affiliate marketing programs with carefully selected third-party affiliate programs and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to However, if you aspire to be a full-blown professional bodybuilder, you will have to be almost immune to the negative effects of the drugs. Therefore we should study our own genetics to see just what hormonal characteristics we have inherited. Some people don't show any noticeable results. Couple a lack of general intuition and brain power with a shoddy build and we’re up sh*t creek with a hole in our canoe. It's all individually based, so when the guy who spends 2 minutes at the end of his workout every other week doing some light calf-raises, claims he has bad genetics, … This is why you rarely see any 6-foot-8 basketball player-kind of guys in the Olympics hoisting the big weights around. There are pretty skinny guys who have been working tirelessly on their hamstrings for years but are hardly getting the results they […] I hear this a lot—both in the gym and casual conversation. If you were born with osteogenesis imperfecta, you have bad genetics for bodybuilding. The bottom line is that the cosmetic aspect of bodybuilding is not as dependent on genetics as many would like to think. Good Or Bad Genetics. There's no such thing as a bodybuilder with bad genetics. This means that genetics greatly influence where you store fat, and some individuals have an alarming predisposition to store fat in their abdominal region. How MUSCULAR Can YOU Get Naturally | GOOD vs. BAD Genetics - YouTube. That was your hormones bro, turning you into what was essential a walking angsty boner. Lee copped a bit of flack from a recent video when someone asked how to train arms. It shouldn’t stop you from becoming an absolute beast under the barbell. May as well make the most of it! by Lee Haney, 8X Mr. Olympia. Taking a cerebral approach to your training can never be a bad thing. Even the best have to overcome adversity to achieve greatness. If that were true, every man and his Grandma would be looking like the Austrian Oak, and supplement companies simply wouldn’t exist. But this applies to pretty much all kinds of exercises. I am one of those ppl. Perhaps he WAS born with 50% less muscle fibers in his calves than the rest of us. Genetics undoubtedly play a significant role in our lives. A few stereotypical traits include: It’s a hard life being an ectomorph in bodybuilding. Don't categorize yourself, according to me, genetics play a little role in the world of the average jo, unless you are planning competitive stuff, your genetics should be the last thing to worry about. Most recreational bodybuilders and weightlifters tend to have average genetics, and must work harder than the weightlifter with "god like genetics" to get that dream physique. Big deal! Too bad these genetic marvels are very rare. Recent research shows that some individuals respond very well to strength training, some barely respond, and some don't respond at all. But at least you know WHY a smaller guy can lift twice as much as you in certain lifts! If these cells won’t openly share their nucleus with the muscle, the ecto can’t produce extra genetic material. It’s against our nature. After all…. Take squats as another example: The muscle attachments determine how "efficient" the muscles are, biomechanically, and the length of your limbs once again determine how much of a lever your own body is, and last but not least, how far you will have to lift the weight from bottom all the way up to the top. Apart from the fact Harry is clearly more tanned than me there are some quite staggering differencesin our physiques. Hard work is key, but your genetics also play a role in how much or how easily you can change your body composition. There are certain genetic attributes that are not favorable to bodybuilding. Some people use "bad genetics" as a convenient excuse for quitting their training programs when they fail to see quick results. Get ahead of the rest with our premium articles designed to educate you and help slay your PBs. A genetic test can give you a measure of your body composition response to strength training. 400 calorie deficit max. A Guide for Everyone. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. He’s usually the type of guy you’d call “stocky” with broad shoulders and a barrel chest. The right bodybuilding plan can help you overcome bad genes. Ever meet that person who never studies for a test but still gets A’s? Same if you were born with a severe case of scoliosis or you have a genetic endocrine disorder that inhibits testosterone production. If your calves suck then give them a little extra love. And as we grow up we forget how much of a key part they play in our lives. I would say 90% of the time bad genetics is when a bodybuilders legs are too small. However, those born with a predisposition to depression and anxiety may suffer from both low T and naturally high cortisol. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. Then do maintenance training for the already developed muscles until your weaker muscles have caught up. This is because they have a positive anabolic effect on skeletal muscle, which is the aim of the game we’re in. However, there is one point where there's not that much you do and that is where your muscles attach to your bones. Your face got slimy, hair started sprouting in unusual places, and mood swings crept up like protein-fart clouds in the free weight section. He has some bad bicep bellies and insertions, due to the fact they start almost halfway up his humerus. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from! Simply put; there’s no signal for the cells to grow. Did he cry about it though? Obviously, this makes bulking a very difficult process, as it’s almost impossible to hit an optimized surplus. Yes, that is him. When it comes to genetics in bodybuilding, some are obviously more desirable than others. Think of the dumb ass who’s been doing it all wrong for years and still doesn’t see results. You’ll also know the endomorph when you see him. These guys could literally dream about tonking up and they’d add lbs of mass in their sleep. Photo: Reddit’s bodybuilding community. So that you already at the planning stage know all your pros and cons when doing bodybuilding. Bodybuilding.comâ and BodySpace® are trademarks of Genetics is a popular scapegoat for lazy people. No way, son! It’s said that in his hey-day he would burn out training partners like jello tires on a dragster.
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