Instead, support is only possible in the form of a bank loan subject to interest (see here). An application for an update or advance payment (maintenance advance) may be considered for you. The remaining amount will be waived (also for full loans). Der neue Antragsassistent hilft, einfach und verständlich Ausbildungsförderung zu beantragen. Once you have received this repayment notice, please remember to submit your possible applications for waiver within one month (cut-off period!). Das Bafög hängt entscheidend vom Einkommen der Eltern ab, die ein Formblatt zu ihren Einkommensverhältnissen ausfüllen müssen. We will gradually process all applications and kindly ask for your patience. European school of managment and technology (ESMT), GoBS Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, German open Business School, Hochschule für angewandte Pädagogik (HsaP), Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft (HMKW), Hochschule für Schauspielkunst 'Ernst Busch', Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW), Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR), Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur (HWTK), IB Hochschule für Gesundheit und Soziales Berlin, International Psychoanalytic University Berlin (IPU), Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin (KHSB), Mediadesign Hochschule für Design und Informatik, Medical School Berlin - Hochschule für Gesundheit und Medizin (MSB), Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), You can find more information about this on the relevant pages of the, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin, IPU - International Psychoanalytic University Berlin, Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch" Berlin, Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler" Berlin, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, The BAföG Office is also responsible for other universities, which are listed in the FAQ section of the BAföG & Financing page and which you can find, Current matriculation certificate (proof of matriculation according to § 9 BAföG) including your number of semesters at university ("Hochschulsemester") and number of semesters studying your current subject ("Fachsemester") OR, Should you have moved and you do no longer live with your parents: Written proof of tenancy ("Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung") or copy of lease (pages showing contracting parties, address, beginning of the lease + signature of contracting parties), Proof of study performance, should you apply for support for your 5th semester ("Fachsemester") (ECTS or, After turning 18, you have been in employment for five years (employment periods do not have to be linked, they can be make of up several smaller time periods). Das alte BAföG Online Verfahren steht Ihnen nur noch bis zum 15.11.2020 im gewohnten ⦠You only need to enter your own name and your universityâs name on the front page. If, for economic reasons, you cannot pay the standard rate of â¬130, the rate can be reduced or suspended on request. : (0221) 758-4500 â is responsible for loan collection. If all of the above apply, you can use Formblatt 9. Ihr Problem besteht allerdings darin, dass Ihr neues BAföG erst ab dem Monat bewilligt wird, an dem Antrag beim BAföG-Amt eingeht. A preconditions is that the amount of support you receive each month would have to increase by at least 10 euro. 09 â Folgeantrag auf Ausbildungsförderung (nur für Studierende) ... dass Angaben zu Ihrem Vermögen durch einen Datenabgleich nach § 41 Abs. If you use BAföG-Digital, you can send your parents a link here and they can also fill out the form via BAföG-Digital. This entitlement will be equivalent to the amount paid in advance. Das ist selbst dann möglich, wenn Sie sonst kein BAföG erhalten. Wir beantworten Fragen gern per Email oder Telefon. When working out how much support you may get, your own income (e.g. Parent-independent financial support is granted if: Employment also includes periods of military service, civilian service, federal voluntary service, a voluntary social or ecological year, development service, as well as periods in which you have received unemployment benefits and/or sickness benefits. : 030 93939 70 Fax: 030 93939 887279 Web: E-Mail: Google Map: Zur Karte Persönliche Beratungszeiten. if you have exceeded the age limit, are studying part-time, may not be eligible as a foreigner, have started further training that is not eligible, or there are no reasons for further funding within the meaning of the law due to a performance deficit. Willkommen auf der BAföG-Online-Seite des studierendenWERKS BERLIN Hier können Sie Ihren BAföG-Antrag online ausfüllen! You must specify all the assets held in accounts that bear your name. This offers numerous advantages. Example: When making an application for the summer semester 2021, the relevant income is that from the calendar year of 2019. If you are an employee, income of up to â¬450 euros per month is not included in the calculations. You do not have any financial assets, or your assets are less than 8.200 euro.4. You can then scan all pages and upload them to portal along with your documents. In the case of income from one-off jobs similar, any profits over â¬367 per month are used in the calculations. This need-based state student finance has been in existence since 1971, and it has proven itself millions of times over. Damit du nichts vergisst, haben ⦠First of all, you decide whether you want to use your identity card / electronic residence permit with eID function for authentication and whether you want to submit the application completely digitally and without paper. This number must be communicated to the Office (proof can, for example, be a printout from Campus Management/Agnes). Angabe ist nicht notwendig, Furthermore, the requirement rates, the surcharges for health and care insurance as well as for housing costs have been increased. For example, the income from 2020/21 instead of 2018 would be used for the assessment for the winter semester 2020/21. This is called a Certificate per §9 BAföG, and is issued by almost all Berlin universities as standard. In addition, further information on each individualâs personal situation (e.g. The income from the penultimate calendar year before the start of the approval period (see Point 5) must be proven by submitting the corresponding income tax assessment. Your own income does not exceed 450 euro per month, or is not higher than in your previous application. You agree to the crediting in the same amount. The full loan under BAföG is a special form of support. Based on this, an irrefutable reason would be an unexpected disability â as a result of an accident, for example â or an allergy to a particular substance, thus making it impossible to pursue the desired career. Willkommen auf den BAföG-Online-Seiten des Landes Berlin und des studierendenWERKS BERLIN Hier können Sie Ihren BAföG-Antrag oder auch einzelne Formulare (z. This means that educational support funding is provided, with the proviso that it may need to be repaid later. ANGABEN ZUR KRANKEN- UND PFLEGEVERSICHERUNG Meine Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung hat sich . A ceiling guarantees that students only need to repay a maximum of EUR 10,000 of the total loan amount. Folgeantrag auf Frderung . 4 BAföG in Verbindung mit § 45d EStG und bei Vorliegen der Voraussetzungen durch eine Kontenabfrage nach § 93 Abs. After completing your studies, please make sure to inform the Federal Administration Office ("Bundesverwaltungsamt") of your most recent address. Example 1: After two semesters, student A switches to law after studying chemistry for two semesters. If, for example, you started your studies in April and did not make an application until May, you will only receive educational support funding from May 2017. Examples of assets to be disclosed are savings, equity and securities, life insurance, motor vehicles (also motorcycles) and land. Within the regular study period (maximum financial support period), you receive half of the funding as a non-repayable grant and half as a non-interest-bearing loan. degree course after going to an evening grammar school), When the entrance requirements for the course of study to be funded were met by doing a non-school-pupil examination or an entrance examination for a university. Then you register with your name and email at BAföG-Digital. Das Ziel von Bafög ist es, jedem die Möglichkeit auf eine Ausbildung, ein Studium und einen Schulabschluss zu geben â auch denen, die es sich ohne finanzielle Unterstützung nicht leisten könnten. For example, if you owe â¬6,000, you will receive a waiver of 14.5% of the loan debt, and you will have to pay back only â¬5,130. This is also possible online. You must calculate this risk with your parent(s). The more accurate the estimate is, the more likely you are to avoid possible repayments after the final calculation is performed using information on the actual income as stated in a tax assessment. However, whether this is the case will be decided by current case law. A central office in Cologne â Bundesverwaltungsamt, BT-BAföG, 50728 Cologne, telephone no. Wann Du Deinen Folgeantrag beim BAföG-Amt stellen solltest, hängt zunächst einmal von Bewilligungszeitraum ab: Normalerweise wird Dir BAföG für 12 Monate gewährt. If income tax assessment is compulsory â e.g. If, on the other hand, the examination reveals that there is no longer any further liability for maintenance, then your will in effect receive parent-independent financial support. For deciding which income is to be used in the calculations, the law provides fixed exemption amounts, both for the parents and for any other children eligible for maintenance. You can only receive a negative certificate if you are basically ("dem Grunde nach") NOT entitled to BAföG, e.g. BAföG-Digital also offers you the opportunity to inform your parents or your partner via email about their necessary participation in the application process. B. Formblatt 3 für die Eltern) ausfüllen! You are welcome to watch the BMBF video. 2019 wurden 680.000 Menschen durch Bafög unterstützt, davon ⦠Ausbildungsförderung für Schülerinnen und Schüler (Schüler-BAföG) Die Dienstleistung umfasst Zuschüsse zum Lebensunterhalt während einer schulischen Ausbildung nach ⦠The loan is to be repaid in instalments of at least â¬130 per month. Alternatively, you can send them by post or use the letterbox at BehrenstraÃe 40/41, 10117 Berlin, or hand them in at the InfoPoint at HardenbergstraÃe 34, 10623 Berlin. We recommend filling out the application via our new BAföG-Digital portal. Key to the decision is the income from the penultimate calendar year before the start of the approval period. You are welcome to watch theÂ, Extra payment if student has own health insurance, Possible extra payment for care insurance, Students who do not live with their parents (live in their own flat/shared flat/student residence) receive, When making an application for the summer semester 2021, the relevant income is that from the calendar year of 2019. Das Studierendenwerk Berlin (Anträge für Studenten) und das Land Berlin (Anträge für Schüler) bieten einen Online Bafög-Antrag an. If you have become needy as a result of a drastic changes in your personal circumstances and have not yet graduated from any course that can be promoted under this Act and that qualifies you for a profession. Students must fill out Form 1 themselves, as it only contains questions which can be answered based on your own knowledge, such as your address, your parentsâ address, your income and assets and further statistical data. According to the 21th Social Survey carried out by Deutsches Studentenwerk, 18 per cent of all students enrolled at an officially registered and state-recognised university in Germany received BAföG in the summer semester 2016. The formerly interest-bearing BAföG bank loan (KfW) was exchanged for the "interest-free BAföG full loan" (state). Die aktuellsten Informationen über das Auslands-BAföG finden Sie immer auf der entsprechenden Seite des ⦠The loss of a further semester due to the second subject change means there can be no ânormal supportâ for the lost semester in the form of subsidies/government loan. We will not issue a refusal certificate for the housing allowance office ("Wohngeldamt"), if you, for example, are not entitled to BAföG due to your own assets, income or your parents income. You can apply online via BAföG bei erstmaligem Nichtbestehen der Abschlussprüfung Bafög bei Schulicher Ausbildung, trotz Einschreibung an Uni â Ergotherapie Ausbildung in Osnabrück Bafög bei Praktikum vor dem Studium? In §50 (4) Bafög heißt es dazu: "Endet ein Bewilligungszeitraum und ist ein neuer Bescheid nicht ergangen, so wird innerhalb desselben Ausbildungsabschnitts Ausbildungsförderung nach Maßgabe des früheren Bewilligungsbescheids unter dem Vorbehalt der Rückforderung geleistet." If you met the access requirements for financially supported education at a technical higher secondary school (attendance of which requires you to have completed vocational training), at an evening lower secondary school, a vocational preparatory school, an evening grammar school, or a college, or if you met the access requirements by passing a non-pupilsâ examination or an entrance examination. It can be granted when there is no longer a possibility to get "normal" BAföG (subsidy/state loan). From the fifth semester, BAföG funding is paid only after a performance check. This depends on completed a course of study which can in principle be supported by BAföG (technical college, vocational school). For more information, please contact the Office for Educational Support. For an exemption from the age limit, you must begin your course immediately upon fulfilling the entrance requirements, or upon the reasons hindering you ceasing to apply, or upon a need arising as the result of major changes in your personal circumstances. The exemption of own income and parents' assets has been improved by higher allowances. via part-time jobs or holiday jobs) during the approval period is always important. einer beruflichen Aufstiegsfortbildung anstelle des Formblatts A â Antrag auf Förderung einer beruf-lichen Aufstiegsfortbildung nutzen, wenn sich die Zuständigkeit der AFBG Bewilligungsstelle nicht ändert. carer after training as a socio-pedagogical assistant), When the previous course was at a technical higher secondary school (attendance of which requires you to have completed vocational training), an evening grammar school, or a college, and was furthermore an entry requirement for continuing your education (e.g. We are not permitted by law to accept applications with an online signature submitted in this way. The size of the waiver increases with the amount of the loan debt. Jeder BAföG Antrag, den du nach dem Erstantrag stellst, ist ein Folgeantrag. ja, ich bin jetzt . Serious reasons such as illness, failing a (module) test, Pregnancy/birth or the care/raising of a child aged ten or younger, When the course of study builds upon a higher education course or equivalent as per national law, as, When access to the course was made possible by the previous course of study, and the course is also self-contained and pursues a further specialisation in the same field (e.g.
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