Dsc, like Dsa and Dsb, is confined exclusively to highland locations near areas that have Mediterranean climates, and is the rarest of the three as a still higher altitude is needed to produce this climate. The clearer part of the year in Nuuk begins around August 25 and lasts for 2.9 months, ending around November 23. been observed (Doyle and others 2015). travel weather. um auf Deine Interessen abgestimmte Inhalte anzuzeigen. diese Daten z.B. Wir liefern Ihnen die genaue Streckenbeschreibung und natürlich das aktuelle Wetter inkl. The tourism score favors clear, rainless days with perceived temperatures between 65°F and 80°F. The chance of wet days in Nuuk varies throughout the year. Es liegen neue Wetterdaten Based on the tourism score, the best time of year to visit Nuuk for warm-weather activities is from mid July to early August. Maps are © Esri, with data from National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, and iPC. ohne Einwilligung zusammen. Combine the lack of Arctic air with the mildness of Vancouver’s location on the shores of the Pacific Ocean and it’s not surprising that Vancouver is the warmest of Canada’s major metropolitan cities in winter by far. Time zones for airports and weather stations are provided by AskGeo.com . The drier season lasts 6.0 months, from December 14 to June 13. Our precipitation score, which is based on the three-hour precipitation centered on the hour in question, is 10 for no precipitation, falling linearly to 9 for trace precipitation, and to 0 for 0.04 inches of precipitation or more. The highest chance of a day with snow alone is 17% on December 13. Temperatur graf Nuuk. Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use layers and precise spot forecast. Within 10 miles contains very significant variations in elevation (3,937 feet). The cloudier part of the year begins around November 23 and lasts for 9.1 months, ending around August 25. support@__remove_this_part__weatherspark.com. Nuuk is further than 200 kilometers from the nearest reliable weather station, so the weather-related data on this page were taken entirely from NASA's MERRA-2 satellite-era reanalysis . Product description: Comfortable women's parka with synthetic lining that effectively keeps out the wind, rain and winter temperatures ; Fjallraven Nuuk Parka - Women's Black XL Deals in 2015. Regen und Schnee auf Südostkurs, Bewölkungsgrad (0/8 wolkenlos | 8/8 bedeckt). The snowless period of the year lasts for 4.4 months, from May 22 to October 3. To see adult results you've saved, change your SafeSearch setting. Ein Spaziergang mit ihrem Hund ging für eine Krankenschwester aus Boston beinahe ins Auge. The day of the year with the coolest water is February 27, with an average temperature of 31°F. 6 °C. Sehen Sie, wie sich der Jetstream - also die wetterlenkende Höhenströmung in 9 km Höhe - in den komm... Wetter im Skigebiet All data relating to the Sun's position (e.g., sunrise and sunset) are computed using astronomical formulas from the book, Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition , by Jean Meeus. The wind is most often from the north for 7.8 months, from September 15 to May 8, with a peak percentage of 40% on January 1. The daily average water temperature (purple line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. Bottom Line. Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Anchorage, Alaska, United States (Dfc — summer wetter than winter). In the far east, the Kamchatka peninsula is the wettest region of mainland Siberia: in some areas, precipitation exceeds 1,000 mm (40 in) per year, and a lot of snow can fall in winter. The darker period of the year lasts for 4.7 months, from October 14 to March 3, with an average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter below 1.1 kWh. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 24.5°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 1.5°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. In Nuuk, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year. The beach/pool score favors clear, rainless days with perceived temperatures between 75°F and 90°F. In 2021, the shortest day is December 21, with 4 hours, 6 minutes of daylight; the longest day is June 21, with 21 hours, 11 minutes of daylight. The rainless period of the year lasts for 3.3 months, from December 17 to March 25. unseres Webangebots. Mest nedbør faller i August, med et gjennomsnitt på 78 mm. -. The cold season lasts for 3.7 months, from December 4 to March 27, with an average daily high temperature below 25°F. The hottest day of the year is July 24, with an average high of 50°F and low of 42°F. The climate is high Arctic with mean annual temperature of − 9.0°C and total annual precipitation of 211 mm, of which most falls as snow during the 8–9 month long winter period (Hansen and others 2008). This report illustrates the typical weather in Nuuk, based on a statistical analysis of historical hourly weather reports and model reconstructions from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2016. Shortwave radiation includes visible light and ultraviolet radiation. Bitte beachte, You haven't saved anything yet. The average hourly temperature, color coded into bands. Am Abend kommt es in Nuuk zu Schneefällen bei Temperaturen von -13°C. nearly cloudless. HIRHAM5 suggests a winter precipitation increase of 8% for Nuuk in 2081–2100, which is approximately half the CMIP5 ensemble mean winter precipitation … Daytime temperature reaches -7 degrees. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 11°F to 50°F and is rarely below -1°F or above 55°F. Based on this categorization, the most common form of precipitation in Nuuk changes throughout the year. Daylight saving time (DST) is observed in Nuuk during 2021, starting in the spring on March 27, lasting 7.1 months, and ending in the fall on October 30. In Nuuk gibt es den ganzen Tag einen wolkenlosen Himmel bei Werten von -2 bis zu 6°C. The brighter period of the year lasts for 2.6 months, from May 6 to July 24, with an average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter above 4.5 kWh. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site. METAR, TAF and NOTAMs for any airport in the World. The black line is the percentage chance that a given day is within the growing season. Overall, the region is getting more humid, cloudier and wetter. To characterize how pleasant the weather is in Nuuk throughout the year, we compute two travel scores. Colder, drier snow tends to be on the higher end of that range and warmer, wetter snow on the lower end. We base the humidity comfort level on the dew point, as it determines whether perspiration will evaporate from the skin, thereby cooling the body. SYNOP codes from weather stations and buoys. Wir nutzen The average hourly wind speed in Nuuk experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year. -2.7 °C. To the ice sheet: A boat trip deep into the Nuuk Fjord on 19/09/2018 On a foggy and windstill September day, we set off at 8 AM for a seven-hour boat trip that would take us deep into the Nuuk Fjord, all the way to the edge of the ice sheet that covers approximately 80 % of the country. Couldn't decide whether Yakutsk is worse for its brutally cold winters or Nuuk for such cool summers. © 2021 wetter.com GmbH - alle Rechte vorbehalten, Partnern das legitime Interesse entziehen, Veröffentlicht: Sa 10.04.2021 | 01:06 min. North America comprises various climates. Miami - very good but a little too hot in summer and too cool winter extremes. Die Wetterdaten wurden soeben für Sie aktualisiert. The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain. The thin dotted line is the corresponding average rainfall. Warnungen auf Ihrer Route. Die Liste aller Partner kannst Du hier verwalten. This section reports on the wide-area average surface temperature of that water. Snow alone is the most common for 5.0 months, from November 12 to April 13. 2021-01-20 19:00. The average daily shortwave solar energy reaching the ground per square meter (orange line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The percentage of time spent in each cloud cover band, categorized by the percentage of the sky covered by clouds. We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader. The earliest sunrise is at 2:53 AM on June 20, and the latest sunrise is 7 hours, 30 minutes later at 10:23 AM on December 24. For each hour between 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM of each day in the analysis period (1980 to 2016), independent scores are computed for perceived temperature, cloud cover, and total precipitation. 2021-01-20 22:00. The day, twilights (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and night are indicated by the color bands from yellow to gray. The average of mean hourly wind speeds (dark gray line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. Ask them what ails them, and they will cheekily respond that they are allergic to summer! Forecast models ECMWF, GFS, NAM and NEMS Weather data is prone to errors, outages, and other defects. Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Anchorage, AK with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com The average daily incident shortwave solar energy experiences extreme seasonal variation over the course of the year. While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: (1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, (2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and (3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands. Search among 13 million locations in Norway and the world. Ergänzend arbeiten wir mit einigen Partnern auch auf Basis von berechtigtem Interesse ohne Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Nuuk for general outdoor tourist activities is from mid July to early August, with a peak score in the third week of July. Other products: meteonews.tv| www.saisonwetter.ch| ch.wetter.tv. The windier part of the year lasts for 7.3 months, from September 24 to May 1, with average wind speeds of more than 9.7 miles per hour. Gegen später überwiegt dichte Bewölkung aber es bleibt trocken bei Höchsttemperaturen bis zu 2°C. Die Jahresdurchschnittstemperatur in Nuuk liegt bei -1.2 °C Über das Jahr fällt 669 mm Niederschlag Klima graf Nuuk. In this areas soil can remain frozen for over two years. Am Strand versank die 54-Jährige plötzl... Faszination Gewitter - Stormchaser spricht. A wet day is one with at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation. The most snow falls during the 31 days centered around December 12, with an average total liquid-equivalent accumulation of 1.0 inches. The growing season in Nuuk typically lasts for 3.9 months (118 days), from around May 30 to around September 25, rarely starting before May 13 or after June 16, and rarely ending before September 8 or after October 12. The wind is most often from the south for 4.2 months, from May 8 to September 15, with a peak percentage of 44% on August 14. Our tourism temperature score is 0 for perceived temperatures below 50°F, rising linearly to 9 for 65°F, to 10 for 75°F, falling linearly to 9 for 80°F, and to 1 for 90°F or hotter. On October 17, the clearest day of the year, the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 42% of the time, and overcast or mostly cloudy 58% of the time. Winter temperatures sank below ± 29 8C at all six stations, and as low as ± 39.8 8C at 04270. The Köppen climate classification scheme divides climates into five main climate groups: A (tropical), B (dry), C (temperate), D (continental), and E (polar). © 2021 MeteoNews JCS | About| Sources| Location| Legal Notices. Our cloud cover score is 10 for fully clear skies, falling linearly to 9 for mostly clear skies, and to 1 for fully overcast skies. The winters in Nuuk are over 50F warmer than Yakutsk, but that means even the average highs are noticeably below freezing for months. Wir und unsere Partner verwenden Cookies und weitere Technologien zur Optimierung und Finanzierung Wetter, Temperatur, Windrichtung und Geschwindigkeit, Luftdruck, relative Luftfeuchte und Bewölkungsgrad werden für den jeweiligen Ort (Punkt) zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt (Termin) auf der Zeitachse angezeigt. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel more humid. To show variation within the months and not just the monthly totals, we show the rainfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day of the year. The time of year with cooler water lasts for 4.9 months, from December 7 to May 4, with an average temperature below 33°F. Get the monthly weather forecast for Nuuk, Sermersooq, Greenland, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. In this report, we use a base of 50°F and a cap of 86°F. The smallest chance of a wet day is 16% on February 21. The day of the year with the warmest water is August 8, with an average temperature of 40°F. We report snowfall in liquid-equivalent terms. For the purposes of this report, the geographical coordinates of Nuuk are 64.183 deg latitude, -51.722 deg longitude, and 46 ft elevation. wetter.com ist ein klimaneutrales Unternehmen. When the mercury rises too high, locals often make jokes by sniffling and sneezing as though they are sick. Definitions of the growing season vary throughout the world, but for the purposes of this report, we define it as the longest continuous period of non-freezing temperatures (≥ 32°F) in the year (the calendar year in the Northern Hemisphere, or from July 1 until June 30 in the Southern Hemisphere). The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 23°C (73°F). The warm season lasts for 3.0 months, from June 9 to September 11, with an average daily high temperature above 43°F. July is the hottest month in Reykjavik with an average temperature of 11°C (52°F) and the coldest is January at 0°C (32°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 6 in July. Die Liste aller Partner kannst Du hier verwalten. This section discusses the wide-area hourly average wind vector (speed and direction) at 10 meters above the ground. Land Use data comes from the Global Land Cover SHARE database , published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The figure below shows you a compact characterization of the entire year of hourly average temperatures. This reanalysis combines a variety of wide-area measurements in a state-of-the-art global meteorological model to reconstruct the hourly history of weather throughout the world on a 50-kilometer grid. Die gezeigten Wetter-Informationen sind sogenannte Punkt-Termin-Prognosen. Durable and waterproof, this jacket is a great option for cold or wet weather. The rainy period of the year lasts for 8.7 months, from March 25 to December 17, with a sliding 31-day rainfall of at least 0.5 inches. Nachts gibt es einen wolkenlosen Himmel und die Temperatur fällt auf -3°C. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. As with rainfall, we consider the snowfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day of the year. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. Todays weather forecast. Winter may be the coldest time to visit Iceland, but one of the biggest draws during this time of year is the chance to see the aurora borealis, or the northern lights. und unsere Partner Deine Zustimmung, Cookies und weitere Technologien zu verwenden. The solar day over the course of the year 2021. The windiest day of the year is January 21, with an average hourly wind speed of 12.1 miles per hour. This section discusses the total daily incident shortwave solar energy reaching the surface of the ground over a wide area, taking full account of seasonal variations in the length of the day, the elevation of the Sun above the horizon, and absorption by clouds and other atmospheric constituents. -3.4 °C. The least rain falls around January 6, with an average total accumulation of 0.3 inches. The length of the day in Nuuk varies extremely over the course of the year. The area within 2 miles of Nuuk is covered by sparse vegetation (68%), water (17%), and snow and glaciers (12%), within 10 miles by sparse vegetation (48%) and water (35%), and within 50 miles by water (52%) and sparse vegetation (25%). c. Mount Robson, British Columbia, Canada (D f c — summer drier than winter). It found that in winter, the Arctic is warming 2.8 times faster than the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. Hourly, long term and precipitation map from NRK and Meteorologisk institutt. Among wet days, we distinguish between those that experience rain alone, snow alone, or a mixture of the two. Nuuk is located near a large body of water (e.g., ocean, sea, or large lake). From bottom to top, the black lines are the previous solar midnight, sunrise, solar noon, sunset, and the next solar midnight. Keine Kurzfrist-Niederschlagsvorhersage verfügbar. Nachts ist es bedeckt bei Werten von 1°C. Die Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit und die Niederschlagsmenge dagegen beziehen sich immer auf die gesamte Stunde. Also, the July average high is 50.2F, which means NO warm weather to enjoy. In other countries: Argentina| Österreich| Belgique| Colombia| Deutschland| España| France| Liechtenstein| Nederland| ประเทศไทย| Türkiye. On the other hand, absolute maximum temperatures exceeded 21 8C at all the stations, and 25.2 8C was recorded at 04360, so (at least in the south, a little inland and … The horizontal axis is the day of the year, the vertical axis is the hour of the day, and the color is the average temperature for that hour and day. Nachts fällt Schnee bei Tiefstwerten von -2°C. Juli er den varmeste måneden i året. Elevation data comes from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) , published by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Rain alone is the most common for 7.0 months, from April 13 to November 12. Sie wollen sich in Ihrem Urlaub frei und unabhängig fühlen, die Natur genießen und dort Halt machen, wo es am schönsten ist? Nuuk experiences some seasonal variation in monthly liquid-equivalent snowfall. Ergänzend arbeiten wir mit einigen Partnern auch auf Basis von berechtigtem Interesse The brightest day of the year is June 9, with an average of 5.6 kWh. Due to the temperate waters of the Gulf Stream, Norway has a much milder climate than other parts of the world at the same latitude, such as Alaska, Greenland, and Siberia.The coldest areas in the winter are often inland or far to the north. The coldest day of the year is February 24, with an average low of 11°F and high of 19°F. The figure below presents a compact representation of key lunar data for 2021. für Sie vor. The temperature and dew point estimates are corrected for the difference between the reference elevation of the MERRA-2 grid cell and the elevation of Nuuk, according to the International Standard Atmosphere . On Thursday the sun will finally burst through the clouds followed by a fine day. Nuuk, Sermersooq 20° F Freuen Sie sich auf bis zu 14 Sonnenstunden. In the southern part of the country and the innermost parts of the long fjords, the temperature can, however, rise to more than 20° C (68° F) in June, July or August, and due to the fine air quality and low levels of moisture in the air, in general you are able to see very, very far. The Rocky Mountains block it. Winter-time snow depths are expected to increase, espe-cially in the high Arctic (Stendel and others 2008), but with a gradually higher rain-to-snowfall ratio leading to longer snow-free periods with conse-quences for glaciers, permafrost, flora and fauna, fjords, sea ice, and the Arctic Ocean. The average growing degree days accumulated over the course of the year, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. hier verwalten und individuell widersprechen. The wettest month is January with an average of 50mm of rain. The drier season lasts 7.4 months , from October 12 to May 23 . Skigebiete in der Nähe mit genauem Bergwetter von Snowthority, Bei Strandspaziergang: Frau versinkt plötzlich im Schlamm, 3-Tage-Vorhersage: Temperatursturz! Legen Sie ganz einfach Start- und Zielpunkt fest. We draw particular cautious attention to our reliance on the MERRA-2 model-based reconstructions for a number of important data series. The wetter season lasts 4.6 months, from May 23 to October 12, with a greater than 18% chance of a given day being a wet day. The average water temperature experiences some seasonal variation over the course of the year. Hier kannst Du festlegen, wie wir Deine Daten verwenden dürfen. For the few people who need fail-proof protection in temperatures of -22 and below, this is the one for you. The thin dotted lines are the corresponding average perceived temperatures. The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. Wetter heute, 19.03.2021 In Nuuk bilden sich morgens leichte Wolken bei Werten von -13°C. Within 50 miles also contains extreme variations in elevation (5,348 feet). The percentage of hours in which the mean wind direction is from each of the four cardinal wind directions, excluding hours in which the mean wind speed is less than. Growing degree days are a measure of yearly heat accumulation used to predict plant and animal development, and defined as the integral of warmth above a base temperature, discarding any excess above a maximum temperature. Weather. The wind experienced at any given location is highly dependent on local topography and other factors, and instantaneous wind speed and direction vary more widely than hourly averages. The transitions to and from daylight saving time are indicated by the 'DST' labels. The percentage of days in which various types of precipitation are observed, excluding trace quantities: rain alone, snow alone, and mixed (both rain and snow fell in the same day). Our beach/pool temperature score is 0 for perceived temperatures below 65°F, rising linearly to 9 for 75°F, to 10 for 82°F, falling linearly to 9 for 90°F, and to 1 for 100°F or hotter. The thin dotted line is the corresponding average liquid-equivalent snowfall. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 11°F to 50°F and is rarely below -1°F or above 55°F . The calmer time of year lasts for 4.8 months, from May 1 to September 24. The darkest day of the year is December 24, with an average of 0.0 kWh. The chance of a wet day peaks at 34% on August 13. In Nuuk, the summers are cold; the winters are long, freezing, snowy, and windy; and it is overcast year round. Einwilligung zusammen. Im Laufe des Mittags schneit es und die Temperatur erreicht -4°C. The chance of a wet day peaks at 32% on July 15 . The most rain falls during the 31 days centered around August 16, with an average total accumulation of 3.5 inches. Those scores are combined into a single hourly composite score, which is then aggregated into days, averaged over all the years in the analysis period, and smoothed. The number of hours during which the Sun is visible (black line). Hooper Bay, Alaska, United States (3,121 miles away) is the far-away foreign place with temperatures most similar to Nuuk (view comparison). The highest chance of a day with rain alone is 34% on August 13. The best month to swim in the sea is in July when the average sea temperature is 11.4°C (53°F). But snow will fall on Thursday. Am Abend ist es in Nuuk (Godthåb) bedeckt bei Temperaturen von 1°C. The vertical gray bars (new Moons) and blue bars (full Moons) indicate key Moon phases. The darkest months of December, January, and February are the best time to visit for this natural phenomenon, but the season lasts from October to … The percentage of time spent at various humidity comfort levels, categorized by dew point. The snowy period of the year lasts for 7.6 months, from October 3 to May 22, with a sliding 31-day liquid-equivalent snowfall of at least 0.1 inches. The daily average high (red line) and low (blue line) temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. From bottom (most yellow) to top (most gray), the color bands indicate: full daylight, twilight (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and full night. Um dieses Angebot kostenlos zu halten und unsere Services stetig zu verbessern, benötigen wir Passend dazu unterstützen wir Sie mit monatlichen Gartentipps. Ischgl (Silvretta Arena). The topography within 2 miles of Nuuk contains very significant variations in elevation, with a maximum elevation change of 974 feet and an average elevation above sea level of 54 feet. Unlike temperature, which typically varies significantly between night and day, dew point tends to change more slowly, so while the temperature may drop at night, a muggy day is typically followed by a muggy night. Click on each chart for more information. On February 4, the cloudiest day of the year, the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy 83% of the time, and clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 17% of the time. The calmest day of the year is July 14, with an average hourly wind speed of 7.3 miles per hour. The perceived humidity level in Nuuk, as measured by the percentage of time in which the humidity comfort level is muggy, oppressive, or miserable, does not vary significantly over the course of the year, remaining a virtually constant 0% throughout. The predominant average hourly wind direction in Nuuk varies throughout the year. The second letter indicates the seasonal precipitation type, while the third letter indicates the level of heat. In Nuuk, the summers are cold; the winters are long, freezing, snowy, and windy; and it is overcast year round. In the shorter Dann lassen Sie sich vom Urlaub im Reisemobil oder Caravan begeistern. Wetter heute, 08.04.2021 In Nuuk (Godthåb) kann sich am Morgen die Sonne nicht durchsetzen und es ist wolkig bei Werten von 1°C. Southwest of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands are even wetter, since precipitation reaches 1,500 mm Temperature. The time of year with warmer water lasts for 2.5 months, from July 4 to September 19, with an average temperature above 38°F. The climate in Norway varies a lot from country part to country part, and there can be large variations within the separate regions of Norway as well. A-Nashville - too cold in winter Yuma too dry, too hot extremes---BIG GAP---Nuuk and Yakutsk, joint last. Winter in Ilulissat means dog sledding – a favorite amongst all residents, human and canine. Although the optical path length for direct solar radiation is longer for winter months, clear sky transmissivity during the cold and dry winter period (0.8–0.9) was higher at Zackenberg than during the warm/wet summer period (0.6–0.7) ().These ranges of transmissivity are comparable to previous measurements of τ at arctic sites in Alaska and Canada (Lafleur 1987, Bailey 1989, Wendler 1990). Die Verwendung Deiner Daten kannst Du verwalten und individuell widersprechen. The actual depth of new snowfall is typically between 5 and 10 times the liquid-equivalent amount, assuming the ground is frozen. The average rainfall (solid line) accumulated over the course of a sliding 31-day period centered on the day in question, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The cold air from the Arctic that sweeps over the rest of Canada in winter is unable to reach Vancouver. The horizontal axis is the day, the vertical axis is the hour of the day, and the colored areas indicate when the moon is above the horizon. The percentage of time spent in various temperature bands. Die Verwendung Deiner Daten kannst Du unter "Einstellungen" The time in which the moon is above the horizon (light blue area), with new moons (dark gray lines) and full moons (blue lines) indicated. 2021-01-20 21:00. Aber es git imfall kei schlechts Wetter, sondern nur schlechti Chleider. You haven't saved anything yet. dass auf Basis Deiner Einstellungen womöglich nicht mehr alle Funktionen der Seite zur Verfügung stehen. The wetter season lasts 6.0 months, from June 13 to December 14, with a greater than 25% chance of a given day being a wet day. In Greenland, Alaska and Northern Canada winters are very cold (-7°C is the average daily temperature in February in Nuuk, Greenland) and summers are short and cool (6°C in July in the same city). The average liquid-equivalent snowfall (solid line) accumulated over the course of a sliding 31-day period centered on the day in question, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands.
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