The Commission put in place a monitoring tool to measure the size and trends of the EU data economy as part of the European Data Market study, with the objective of measuring the socio-economic impact of data. Brussels, 13 January 2012 - Full implementation of EU waste legislation would save €72 billion a year, increase the annual turnover of the EU waste management and recycling sector by €42 billion and create over 400,000 jobs by 2020 according to a European Commission study published today. [37] For example, more than a quarter of Erasmus participants meet their life partner through it and participation in Erasmus encourages mobility between European countries. On 24 March, the European Commission adopted its first EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, and a proposal for a European Child Guarantee. See all EU institutions and bodies. Therefore, this thesis aims to examine how the European Commission has articulated the European identity by the three recent Commission presidents José Manuel Barroso, Jean-Claude Juncker and Ursula von der Leyen between 2010- 2019. Read more about our team’s effort against the Coronavirus pandemic #maythe4thbewithyou However, there is limited research and problem on how the European Commission has expressed and articulated European identity during a modern coherent period. Source: European Commission, 2021-02-19) The European Commission on 19 February published the results of two studies it commissioned to assess the expected impacts of two specific aspects of Mobility Package I, adopted on 15 July 2020.. I accept cookies. The Commission launches the European News Media Forum with a dialogue on the safety of journalists. This study has been conceptualised and implemented in order to examine the transformation of jobs in the digital economy in the European Union, investigating the penetration of digital technologies into workplaces, the digital skills required by employers and the digital skills currently available in workplaces. The European Commission just released the Study on energy prices, costs and their impact on industry and households. The study provides facts and figures and a series of quantitative stories on data-driven innovation to underpin a range of targeted policy measures addressing the EU data economy. A review of literature, good practices Fraunhofer ISI and OpenForum Europe are conducting a study for the European Commission which shall investigate in detail the economic impact of Open Source Software (OSS) and Open Source Hardware (OSH) on the European economy. Consumers: 60% of cross border internet shopping orders are refused, says new EU study. That’s a story of how Interactio platform united leaders from 40+ countries in a very special mission. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. European Commission launches study on 5G supply markets and Open RAN Context. In addressing this objective, the project team was asked to consider a number of issues which are presented and discussed in this report. [38] A study carried out by the European Commission in 2010, shows that participating to Erasmus strengthens tolerance. It finds that Europe is chronically undertaxing the sector in comparison to other major markets. Policy implications Numerous new quiet lane schemes are underway and to achieve success, attention needs to be paid to the suitability (particularly busy or higher speed limit roads) to being turned into quiet lanes unless traffic calming is also included in the schemes. Please use the following reference to cite this study: IDEA Consult, Goethe-Institut, Amann S. and Heinsius J. It further finds that increasing aviation taxation could cut emissions while having no net impact on jobs or GDP. REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the assessment of the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing affecting the internal market and relating to cross-border activities$ COM/2017/0340 final This study proposes an overview of the selection of Special Advisers to the European Commission, specifically during the period 20142019: - the procedure followed, number of contracts, safeguards, contractual terms, budgetary implications, transparency, communication with the European Parliament. European Commission study on lifelong guidance (LLG) policy and practice En rapport på engelska om lifelong guidance (LGG), policys och praxis i EU med fokus på trender, utmaningar och möjligheter. Latest news on the Digital Single Market. According to the study, sales of GI-protected food and drink products are worth €75bn. European Commission / Taxation and Customs Union Présentation Powerpoint Scope • The study deals mainly with the taxation of fringe benefits related to the use company cars at the employee level, and not with the taxation at company level (depreciation rules, VAT) It covers a … British men more negative towards aquaculture, according to study. Waste – a short cut to job creation and lower costs . There are widespread problems with refusals of orders for EU consumers trying to purchase goods online in another Member state, according to a new European Commission report on cross border consumer e-commerce published today. To implement the study, the contractor will consult various interlocutors, including CSD/contact group representatives, Member State permanent representations and authorities, the Secretariat of the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade (INTA), Commission representation offices, civil society organisations in Member States, DG Trade staff and others. European Commission, Study on directors’ duties and sustainable corporate governance Implementation of the SRD II Provisions on Related Party Transactions The Commission’s 2018 Proposal on Cross-Border Mobility – An Assessment, September 2018 The monitoring tool provides a first assessment of the emerging data market in Europe. Case Study European Commission. The activities have been organised in the JRC by setting up an institutional project, that is carried out within the scope of the Mandate on the provision of data and analysis on biomass supply and demand on a long-term basis, and coordinated with the policy Directorate-Generals (DGs) of the European Commission. The European Commission has been working to coordinate, complement and initiate measures to deal with every aspect of the coronavirus pandemic. The first results of the study on the impact of Open Source Software and Open Source Hardware conducted for the European Commission were presented. T&E's briefing paper analyses these findings. The results of the European Commission’s new study on the economic impact of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), carried out in the framework of the Joint Roadmap to accelerate MSP processes worldwide (MSProadmap), were presented during an online seminar co-organized with UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO) on 29 June 2020. This is ... Assessment in the European Commission, chaired by T. Schleker from the Directorate General for Research and Innovation. With the help of the study results, it has become easier to get a factual assessment of the huge socio-economic potential linked to the common European data space. The European Commission supported study "Identification and quantification of key socio-economic data to support strategic planning for the introduction of 5G in Europe" (SMART 2014/0008) forecasts the benefits, impacts and technical requirements for the introduction of 5G in Europe.In particular it investigates what 5G might actually mean for users, industries, operators and other stakeholders. 2021, Research for CULT Committee – Cultural and creative sectors in post-Covid-19 Europe: crisis effects and policy recommendations, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels It found that increasing the number of commits to Open Source projects would translate to a boost of over €95 billion per year to the EU’s GDP. The study was carried out by Ipsos and Trinomics, with support from Fraunhofer FOKUS (on behalf of a consortium led by Economisti Associati). These two requirements – the compulsory return of the vehicle to the Member State of establishment every eight weeks and the application of cabotage … A theoretical modelling exercise, the study includes trade results for the agricultural sector as a whole, and sector-specific impacts on trade, producer prices and production volumes. The objective of this project was to address a request from the Standing Committee of Construction (SCC) to provide EC Member States regulators with a means to regulate the fire performance of façade systems based on a European approach agreed by SCC. Enerdata had a key role in this project, together with Trinomics, Cambridge Economics and LBST. Young men from the UK are more negative towards aquaculture, according to a recent consumer study conducted across five European countries. The aim of this study is to provide input for the Commission impact assessment accompanying a new initiative to limit fragmentation of charging solutions for mobile phones and similar devices, while not hampering future technological evolution. All official European Union website addresses are in the domain. The study should identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of open source in relevant ICT policies. European Commission - Press release. The study, launched by the European Commission, found that, despite the growing demand of ICT specialists and digital profiles, the percentage of Europeans with ICT-related education is decreasing. The study concluded that greater PR needed to be undertaken with locals recounting the success of the schemes. ‘Before 1 January 2020, the Commission shall present an updated analysis of the non-CO 2 effects of aviation, accompanied, where appropriate, by a proposal on how best to address those effects.’ In response to this mandate, the European Commission commissioned a study … This study was conducted as part of the JRC’s long term mandate to assess the EU and global biomass supply and demand and related sustainability. These contain promises from the EU and governments so that children can have a good life, in the EU and beyond. The study will serve as input for the Commission to support the implementation of the 5G cybersecurity toolbox... Purpose of the study. The European Commission funded a study on aviation taxation, which was completed in mid-2018 but never published. This study collected and analysed economic data on Geographical Indications (GIs) and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSGs) registered in the 28 Member States of the European Union, over the 2011-2017 period (3 153 GIs and 54 TSGs). This study for the European Commission focuses on due diligence requirements to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for abuses of human rights, including the rights of the child and fundamental freedoms, serious bodily injury or health risks, environmental damage, including with respect to climate. IP/09/1564. The European Commission has released a new study on products under Geographical Indication (GI) status. Find out more on how we use cookies and how you can change your settings. Immigrant Key Workers: Their Contribution to Europe's COVID-19 Response. They were also among those with the least knowledge about aquaculture. Brussels, 22 October 2009. Another issue is whether Erasmus enables the mixing of Europeans. JRC120537 This note describes the contribution of migrant workers to the ongoing effort to keep basic services running in the Union during the COVID-19 epidemic. The study carried out by the Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) covers the cumulative effects of 12 trade agreements on the agri-food sector by 2030, an update of a 2016 study. Cookies. Although this is a common trend for both genders, there are lesser women than men who are taking up ICT related jobs and education.
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