Ancient debris is one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft, due to it being a source of netherite scraps and thus netherite ingots.It is found in Nether most commonly at Y=15, although mining at higher levels is safer due to lower risk of mining into a lava ocean. In a biome with a lower Y height of 32, in-game rates average 1 ore every 20 chunks. Two veins generate per chunk: one vein of 1–3 ancient debris generates with a periodic Gaussian distribution between levels 8–22, and an additional vein of 1–2 ancient debris generates randomly between levels 7–119. v1.0.3 Ancient Debris can spawn in veins of 1-3 blocks at Y-axis 8-22, and it can spawn … vs Ancient Debris can only be found in the Nether and is more likely to spawn the lower a player goes in the Nether. Control the underground ore generation of your Minecraf world! 6 It's Incredibly Resistant. In a biome with a Y height of 64, in-game rates average 1 ore every 10 chunks. ... Could you make it so that ancient debris and nether quartz spawn in the mining world as well? Ancient Debris in the Nether | Image Credit: u/RRhinoG The best place to farm Ancient Debris is between Y levels 8 to 17, but it will start appearing as early as Y30 in Bedrock. Ancient debris can generate in the Nether in the form of mineral veins. One more thing to keep a note of is that Ancient Debris can also only spawn completely covered by other blocks and it could even be surrounded by lava. Unlike diamond, it can't be strip mined, since it's so incredibly rare. There is up to 4 ancient debris blocks per a chunk. A nausea effect appear that means you are going to be teleported. 1 Obtaining 2 Uses 3 Crafting 4 Trivia The only ways to obtain netherite scrap is by smelting ancient debris found throughout the Nether or acquiring netherite scrap from chests in Bastion Remnants. In order to go to this new dimension, you must sneak above bedrock block at a maximum height of 5. Keep good attention on the Y-axis to increase for finding Ancient Debris. When looking at the player's coordinates in the Nether, the Y-axis is the one that players should keep track of. - You can change the spawnrate, spawn height and vein size of the Ancient Debris with a config file now - Added Languages: - Turkish - Serbian . The Y-axis tells you how many blocks you are above the bottom layer of the entire world. Netherite Scrap is a material smelted from Ancient Debris, which is found in The Nether and added in the 1.16 - Nether Update. v1.0.4 - The attack damage and speed of the Netherite Axe are the same ones as in 1.16 now - Added Languages: - Azerbaijani - Galician - Latvian . The lower the Y-axis number the more likely a player is to come across Ancient Debris. Its only use is for crafting Netherite Ingots. Netherite doesn't spawn in its netherite form, but actually needs to be made from something called ancient debris. Perhaps those could spawn deep in the mining world at y-30 and below. In-game spawn rates will also be lowered since ores spawn randomly from Y height 1 1 to 99 and attempting to spawn ore above ground results in no ore spawned. This will show you a lot of debugging information on the screen with three coordinates: X, Y, and Z. The debris spawn at a very low elevation in the Nether, at Y=15. Spigot Ore Control 『1.13 - 1.16.5』 Supports Nether Gold and Ancient debris 2020.11.3-2.
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