We want to hear from you! What is freak? As a verb freak is See more words with the same meaning: very, extremely, completely, in a grand way . Slang: a sexual deviate. freak (verb) Person who practices the above things; sexually aggressive female (never missing a beat). I’m not saying [have sex] with each and everybody in that record. To me there’s nothing sexier than confidence so don’t wear or be anybody that you’re not comfortable being or wearing. Certain personalities are said to be an indicator of freak tendencies (the good girl, quiet girl, etc), but those people can’t be doing anything that out of the ordinary either. It’s not to be mistaken with hoe. Kinky, wild in bed, intimately promiscuous, etc. She's mad freaky ! He said because I enjoyed sex so much. What makes someone a 'freak' to you sexually? Maybe I’m wrong? See more words with the same meaning: sexually adventurous . Define freak. Frightening. What does freak mean? Copyright © 2021 Vibe Media, LLC. As a woman I hear it all the time. I asked him why he thought that. Noun ’fr?k One that is markedly unusual or abnormal. One of the women in the group mentions something she has done or likes sexually and that’s when you hear it…”Damn girl! Oh, gosh, I've been called a sexual freak from time to time, but I'm actually rather 'vanilla' compared to what would be considered 'freaky' in the sexual culture. Meaning and Definition of freak. Wright’s findings are in line with what psychologists call “sexual script theory,” the widely studied notion that what we watch becomes our definition and even our expectation of normal sex. Now when I think of a freak, I think of someone who has furry sex because clearly…that’s not normal. I see it as a positive thing, as long as the things they do are with other sane, consenting adults and they aren't hurting anyone . To me a sex freak is someone who is ready to do anything and everything ,anytime and anywhere at the drop of a hat.It is very good if they are with you,but sex freaks never seem to be satisfied so they usually cheat on their partner which is bad. A true freak is passionate about sex, but I do not mean your basic, garden-variety passion that everyone thinks they possess. n. 1. by Brad Report definition being sexually open, acting intimately by Vada Report definition singular kind of "Freakies", a much-loved and destroyed breakfast cereal from the 1970's by Teodoro Report definition Adjective form of the noun freak see freak. Most of the examples men give for what makes a woman a ‘freak’ has to do with sex itself and don’t sound any different from what I know most people are probably doing behind closed doors. Meaning of freak. What's your definition of a FREAK? Period. You are on page . freak synonyms, freak pronunciation, freak translation, English dictionary definition of freak. I’m having a conversation with a man, or I’m with a group of men and women, when…. The term "control freak" is obviously not a clinical one, but it has meaning nonetheless because the term so clearly defines a problem: Men and women who … I’m having a conversation with a man, or I’m with a group of men and women, when naturally the conversation turns to relationships and sex. Freaky is a derived term of freak. freak (verb) To loosen up the tobacco from a Black & Mild pipe-tobacco cigar. So ladies and gents what is your definition of a freak and how do you display your freaky side? There is absolutely no way a control freak will attribute their … freak meaning. Words nearby freaky. Obviously, the definition will vary from person to person based on one's level of experience. Morally speaking, not legally, what gives you the right to other people's earnings? Definition of freak in the Definitions.net dictionary. Related Forums. Find me a woman who says she likes regular “vanilla” sex and I will show you a woman who is lying to protect herself from slut-shaming. Katie saw shadows but nothing else. Definition Of A Freak. Women love crazy sex. I’m talking about one guy on one night and if women are very honest, this is what we want some nights. They take full credit for their success. freak: [adverb] very; really; extremely. How would you feel if a girl said “you’re so big and strong and you’re everything I need”. See more words with the same meaning: promiscuous . RELATED: 17 Sex Positions Men Love MOST Sadism and Masochism http://www.theaudiopedia.com What is CONTROL FREAK? Never miss a thing with GirlsAskGuys notifications on your browser. Also, some people aren't everyday freaks, and may be willing to expand their horizons based on the circumstances. Oh, gosh, I've been called a sexual freak from time to time, but I'm actually rather 'vanilla' compared to what would be considered 'freaky' in the sexual culture. Alcohol can make someone do something they never thought of doing before. .. . It makes her a woman who is secure in her sexuality. . Get weekly rundowns straight to your inbox, Get our latest stories in the feed of your favorite networks. Women love freaky sex. First lesson: all women are sexual freaks. Why the rich have a hard time entering the kingdom - Bible talk. I'm a bit of one for having sex in a classroom on my campus :), someone that can't go a few days with no sexual interactions. Recently Keri Hilson sat down for an interview with Fader TV to give her definition of a freak, here’s what she had to say: “Being a freak, it’s like that’s what you want to be. As a noun freak is a man, particularly a bold, strong, vigorous man or freak can be a sudden causeless change or turn of the mind; a whim of fancy; a capricious prank; a vagary or caprice. A freak is simply someone less sexually inhibited than average. ness, noun. Prayers Continue For DMX To Pull Through Hospitalization Following Heart Attack, Man Down: 3 Ways To Tell Someone Their Breath Is Not What’s Up. freaky: [adjective] sexually voracious. There are people who are sexually experienced b/c well, they've had sex alot & By krysrenee7 — February 26, 2011 5:31pm — 16 replies. Slang: a sexual deviate. "I’ve found that most women are cool with a little spanking or hair-pulling, so that’s … out of 2. Translate Freak. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. For … Women love kinky sex. Find 6 ways to say SEX FREAK, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. You a freak!”  I personally don’t always take this statement as a negative, unless of course the male saying it sees this as some kind of free pass to the ‘Love Below,’ but what does perplex me about the statement is that I have yet to find a man that can give me an absolute definition of what exactly a freak is. Freak definition, any abnormal phenomenon or product or unusual object; anomaly; aberration. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Receiving oral sex made it to the top 10 for both sexes, although many more men than women (61% v. 43%) found this very appealing, a gender difference that has been explained in … Freak definition is - a sudden and odd or seemingly pointless idea or turn of the mind. “A freak is a person who crosses the line. 6 Male Mistakes That Cooled Women From Sex! What does freak mean? freaking, freakish, ... Are its users loud and proud harbingers of the sex-tech revolution, or just people who want to get a bit freaky on the sly? What does freaky mean? by Lajuana Boulter Report definition The guy I had sex with tonight said I was a freak. (adjective) The trees overhead rustled, and Toby yanked away, staring. 2. What does CONTROL FREAK mean? Noun ’fr?k One that is markedly unusual or abnormal. How to use freak in a sentence. See more. As a woman I hear it all the time. As a woman I hear it all the time. As adjectives the difference between freaky and freak is that freaky is resembling a freak while freak is strange, weird. Things like forbidding an orgasm, denying sex, or having to perform sexual or nonsexual acts fall under this category. A thing or occurrence that is markedly unusual or irregular: A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow. I am talking about someone who is completely sold out to the sexual encounter at that moment, giving every shred of their body and soul and energy. Add new topic Relationships forum. Someone who is open-minded and pushes the boundaries sexually. Freak definition: A freak event or action is one that is a very unusual or extreme example of its type. Woman Don’t Like Vanilla Sex. I disagreed. See 8 authoritative translations of Freak in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Ways to Color the Monotonous Sexual Life in Marriage! That is freak expensive. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of freak. Someone with a lot of energy when it comes to sex and the want and desire to have sex often and in non-traditional locations.. My album is all about taking control and owning yourself, owning your sexuality, owning your beauty, your confidence, don’t allow others opinions or a man’s opinions validate how you should feel about yourself.”. All Rights reserved. ... freak (verb) Have sex. The only opinion from guys was selected the Most Helpful Opinion, but you can still contribute by sharing an opinion! . What's your definition of a freak? She likes it rough. Noun ’fr?k One that is markedly unusual or abnormal.Slang: a sexual deviate. Oral sex seems kinda freaky the first time you try it, does it not? They aren’t really sexy anymore they’re just… out there. Just because a woman owns her sexuality does not make her a freak. The definition of a freak is an unexpected event or a person who does not fit in with the mainstream. . Freak is a relative term, like good, nice, thick, or ugly, and is in the eye of the beholder. ‘a freak red cabbage with side shoots coming from the leaves’ ‘He was foaled in Indiana, was a mere freak of nature, and withal a very curious looking animal.’ ‘Abi, being a freak of nature, still has sensation even after doses of epidural that would fell a rhinoceros.’

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