È membro del PEN Club tedesco. Peter Schieder besuchte Volksschule und Realgymnasium in Wien und begann ein Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, das er jedoch nicht abschloss. Schneider was born in 1975 in Leipzig, in what was then East Germany. -functions. Levensloop. A.L. Schneider is also a major essayist. Peter Joseph Schneider (August 20, 1895 – June 1, 1957) was an American pitcher in Major League Baseball who played for the Cincinnati Reds (1914–1918) and New York Yankees (1919). Peter Schneider (s. 1991), itävaltalainen jääkiekkoilija René Schneider (s. 1973), saksalainen jalkapalloilija Rob Schneider (s. 1963), yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä He is a recipient of a Villa Massimo scholarship (1979) and the Förderpreis für Literatur des Kulturkreises of the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (1983). Hans-Peter Schneider ist ein deutscher Staatsrechtslehrer, ehemaliger Richter, emeritierter Universitätsprofessor und Politikberater. Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Peter_Schneider_(writer)&oldid=981035352, People from Garmisch-Partenkirchen (district), BLP articles lacking sources from March 2010, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 September 2020, at 22:01. Peter Bernd Schneider (born 9 January 1953 in Karlsruhe) is a German mathematician, specializing in the p-adic aspects of algebraic number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, and representation theory. Education and career. Peter Schneider may refer to: . Peter Schneider (Bildhauer, 1848) (1848–1922), deutscher Bildhauer und Schnitzer Peter Schneider (Heimatforscher) (1882–1958), deutscher Heimatforscher Peter Schneider (Geistlicher) (1894–1971), deutscher Priester und Religionslehrer Peter Schneider (Politiker, 1909) (1909–1984), deutscher Politiker (SPD) und Widerstandskämpfer huhtikuuta 1991 Klosterneuburg) on itävaltalainen jääkiekkoilija, pelipaikaltaan hyökkääjä.Hän edustaa Tšekin Extraligassa pelaavaa HC Kometa Brnoa.Schneider laukoo oikealta. Schneider è anche un affermato e prolifico saggista. Peter Schneider (s.4. Peter Schreiber (Amsterdam 1954) - († 30 april 2010) was een Nederlandse zanger en liedjesschrijver. He was a postdoc at Harvard University for the academic year 1983–1984 and a C2-professor at Heidelberg University for the academic year 1984–1985. Peter Schneider (* 1975 in Leipzig) ist ein deutscher Schauspieler und Musiker. Peter Schreier (29 July 1935 – 25 December 2019) was a German tenor in opera, concert and lied, and a conductor.He was regarded as one of the leading lyric tenors of the 20th century. In the federal election campaign of 1965 he worked together with a number of well-known writers in the Wahlkampfkontor (electoral office) of the SPD. Peter Schneider (born 21 April 1940 in Lübeck) is a German writer. and Having in the meantime established himself as a writer, Schneider gave up the idea of teaching. In 1972 he received his degree, but in 1973 the education authorities in Berlin refused to appoint him as a trainee teacher on account of his political activity. If you wish to help, you can attached to this talk page, or visit the project page, where you can join the project or contribute to the discussion. Word lid van Facebook om met Peter Schneider en anderen in contact te komen. Na het seizoen 1964 beëindigde Bert Schneider zijn carrière. Peter Schneider ist der Name folgender Personen: . Peter Utzschneider (Murnau am Staffelsee, 6 maart 1946) is een voormalig Duits bobsleeremmer.Utzschneider won olympisch goud in de tweemansbob en een bronzen medaille in de viermansbob in Sapporo.Vier jaar later nam Utzschneider alleen deel in de viermansbob waarin hij de bronzen medaille veroverde. p He spent his early childhood in Königsberg and Saxony; from 1945 to 1950 he lived in Grainau near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and from 1950 in Freiburg im Breisgau. Peter Schneider studierte Germanistik, Philosophie und Psychologie an den Universitäten von Bochum, Münster und Zürich.In Zürich betreibt er eine eigene Praxis als Psychotherapeut und ist als Dozent, Supervisor und Lehranalytiker in der postgradualen Psychotherapie-Ausbildung der Universität Zürich tätig. Peter Schneider war von 1949 bis 1953 Mitglied der Wiener Sängerknaben und machte dabei die erste Bekanntschaft mit der Oper. During the 1960s Schneider experienced a political radicalisation that led him to become one of the spokespersons and organisers of the Berlin German student movement. In 1962 he continued his studies at the Free University of Berlin. Peter Schneider (born 21 April 1940 in Lübeck) is a German writer. April 1940 in Lübeck) ist ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Since then, Schneider has written novels, short stories, and film scripts that often deal with the fate of members of his generation. Schneider has frequently held posts as visiting professor or writer in residence at universities in the United States, including Stanford, Harvard and Princeton. -adic representations (in the latter subject he has collaborated extensively with Jeremy Teitelbaum). Nach dem Abitur studierte er Rechtswissenschaft in Freiburg und Tübingen.Nach seinem zweiten Staatsexamen war er von 1986 bis 1988 Dezernent beim Landratsamt Sigmaringen.Von 1988 bis 1992 war er persönlicher Referent des baden-württembergischen Innenministers Dietmar Schlee. Snijders (Amsterdam, 24 september 1937), pseudoniem van Peter Cornelis Müller, is een Nederlands schrijver. Von 1985 bis ins Nachwendejahr 1990 war Peter Schneider an der Spezialschule für Musik in Halle (Saale). Schneider speelde bij de Lawn Tennis Vereniging Leimonias.Samen met Jan Hajer werd hij in 1962 kampioen mannendubbelspel van Nederland.Schneider speelde Davis Cup-wedstrijden voor Nederland.Op de Casino-tennisbanen (stadion) in Noordwijk maakte Evert Schneider in 1964 deel uit van het Davis Cup-team van Nederland samen met Piet van Eijsden, Willem Maris en Jan Hajer. Leben. In 1982 had Peter Schreiber een hit met Nooit meer verliefd.Deze single kwam in week 10 in de Nederlandse Top 40.De hoogste positie was 21 en de plaat stond er vijf weken in. Peter Schneider besuchte die Grundschule in Zwiefalten und das Gymnasium in Riedlingen. Schneider batted and threw right-handed. There he received in 1980 his Promotion (Ph.D.) with advisor Jürgen Neukirch and dissertation Die Galoiscohomologie Il est le fils d'un compositeur et chef d'orchestre. –) magyar zenész, televíziós szerkesztő, műsorvezető. Hij is de bedenker van een nieuw literair genre dat het zeer korte verhaal (ZKV/zkv) wordt genoemd.. Biografie. Peter Schneider (* 21. Schneider Péter (Budapest, 1978. december 8. [2], Peter Schneider studied mathematics in Karlsruhe and Erlangen. Peter Schneider (born 1975) is a German actor and musician. Peter Schneider (writer) (born 1940), German novelist Peter Schneider (film executive), American movie executive, former president of the Walt Disney Studios Peter Schneider (conductor) (born 1939), Austrian conductor and chorusmaster Peter Schneider (Zen priest) (born 1937), Zen priest, founder of Beginner's Mind Zen Center, Northridge, California Életpályája. p ... aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie {{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). Later he taught in a private school and did freelance work in broadcasting. p -adischer Darstellungen über Zahlkörpern (The Galois cohomology of [1] Peter received priest ordination from Suzuki-roshi in 1970. Hans Schneider (Wenen, 28 augustus 1906 – Bad Gastein, 1987) was een Oostenrijks componist, muziekpedagoog, dirigent en cellist. Peter Schneider (né le 21 avril 1940 à Lübeck) est un écrivain allemand. -adic representations of number fields). His novel Lenz, published in 1973, had become a cult text for the German left, capturing the feelings of those disappointed by the failure of their utopian revolt. {\displaystyle p} From 1985 until the late 1990s, he studied at a music school in Halle. Peter Schneider é um produtor de cinema e teatro, destacando-se como o primeiro presidente da Walt Disney Feature Animation para a Walt Disney Company a partir de 1985 a 1999, [1] e foi responsável por ajudar a restaurar o departamento de animação e algumas das criações mais aclamadas e de maior bilheteria da Disney Animation. That decision was overturned by a court in Berlin in 1976. After his Diplom in 1977 from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,[2] he was an assistant from 1977 to 1983 at the University of Regensburg. Schneider is the son of a conductor and composer. He was a member of a group aiming to found a proletarian political party and rouse the working class. Da allora, Peter Schneider ha scritto romanzi, racconti e sceneggiature, su temi cruciali della società contemporanea e altre opere che affrontano la situazione di Berlino di prima e dopo la riunificazione tedesca. German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, "Leopoldina Neugewählte Mitglieder 2016, Leopoldina", "Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Peter_Schneider_(mathematician)&oldid=973508760, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 August 2020, at 16:27. Biography. Peter Schneider és un director habitual en els principals teatres d'òpera centreeuropeus: Òpera Alemanya de Berlín, Òpera Estatal de Viena, Semperoper de Dresden i Òpera de Zurich. Leben. {\displaystyle p} He is best known for being, from 1985 to 1999, the president of Disney's feature animation department, which became known as Walt Disney Feature Animation in 1986, and was responsible for helping to turn the feature animation department around and creating some of the most critically acclaimed and highest grossing animated features that Disney released in a period that became known as the "Disney Renaissance". Wereldkampioenschap wegrace resultaten (Races in ... Archief Peter Sterken Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 25 jan 2019 om 13:07. ペーター・シュナイダー(Peter Schneider, 1939年 3月26日 - ) は、オーストリアの指揮者。 現代を代表するカペルマイスターと言われる。 There are 1,000+ professionals named "Peter Schneider", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Pete Schneider; Pitcher: Born: August 20, 1895 View the profiles of professionals named "Peter Schneider" on LinkedIn. Schneider is a member of the German PEN Club. He lives in Berlin. Other works deal with the situation of Berlin before and after German reunification. Facebook geeft mensen de kans om te delen en maakt de wereld toegankelijker. Peter Schneider peut faire référence à plusieurs personnes : . Nach der Matura 1957 begann er ein Kompositionsstudium bei Karl Schiske an der Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien und ein Dirigierstudium bei Hans Swarowsky. Since 2001 he has been the Roth Distinguished Writer-in-Residence at Georgetown University. Vanaf 1970 trad Peter Schreier ook veelvuldig op als dirigent, vooral van vocale muziek. Leben. Peter Schneider is lid van Facebook. També ha dirigit en el Metropolitan Opera House de Nova York, en l'Òpera de Sant Francisco i a Tòquio. In 2016 he was elected a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina[4] and the Academia Europaea. He was a C4-professor from 1985 to 1994 at the University of Cologne and is since 1994 a C-4 professor at the University of Münster.[2]. In 1992 Schneider, together with Christopher Deninger, Michael Rapoport and Thomas Zink, received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for their work in using arithmetic-algebraic geometry to solve Diophantine equations. Peter Schneider first studied with Shunryu Suzuki-roshi in 1962 and returned to continue in 1967. This page is within the scope of WikiProject Disambiguation, an attempt to structure and organize all disambiguation pages on Wikipedia. In 1967 he was involved in the preparation of the so-called "Springer-Tribunal". {\displaystyle L} {\displaystyle p} Voor bepaalde werken gebruikte hij het pseudoniem: Peter Lund. Biographie. Peter Bernd Schneider (born 9 January 1953 in Karlsruhe) is a German mathematician, specializing in the p-adic aspects of algebraic number theory,[1] arithmetic algebraic geometry, and representation theory. 1978-ban született Budapesten magyar apa és bolgár anya gyermekeként. Peter Schneider ist der Sohn eines Dirigenten und Komponisten. He served as the second director of Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, as well as president of the San Francisco Zen Center. His research includes Iwasawa theory, special values of [3] Schneider habilitated in 1982 at the University of Regensburg. Dirigent. Iskolai tanulmányait bolgár és magyar nyelven végezte. Leben. L After gaining his Abitur in 1959 he studied German, history, and philosophy at the universities of Freiburg and Munich. Peter Schreier zong dertig jaar lang, in totaal zeventig maal, op het belangrijkste Schubert-festival, de Schubertiade in het West-Oostenrijkse Vorarlberg (Hohenems / Feldkirch / Schwarzenberg). Peter Schneider is an American film executive, film producer and theatrical producer. In 2006 he was an invited speaker with talk Continuous representation theory of p-adic Lie groups at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid. Door zijn grote snor was hij een opvallende verschijning. For this reason Schneider worked temporarily as an unskilled worker in one of the Bosch factories.
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