Gondwana (/ɡɒndˈwɑːnə/) atau Gondwanaland adalah adalah superbenua yang pernah ada selama era Neoproterozoikum (sekitar 550 juta tahun yang lalu) hingga periode Jurasik (sekitar 180 juta tahun lalu).. Gondwana terbentuk karena terjadi tabrakan dari beberapa kraton. Only a negative Covid-19 test is needed to travel Namibia, not older than 7 days at the time of arrival. Nevertheless whales have been hunted worldwide for centuries because of … It was snowing! The Mozambique Ocean separated the Congo–Tanzania–Bangweulu Block of central Africa from Neoproterozoic India (India, the Antongil Block in far eastern Madagascar, the Seychelles, and the Napier and Rayner Complexes in East Antarctica). ↑ With Gondwana on the pulse of Africa - 3 June 2014. Then Australia and East Antarctica were merged with the remaining Gondwana c. 570 to 530 Ma in the Kuunga Orogeny. Beetles and cockroaches remained minor elements in this fauna. Meanwhile, on the other side of the newly forming Africa, Kalahari collided with Congo and Rio de la Plata which closed the Adamastor Ocean. Gondwana ( /ɡɒndˈwɑːnə/)[1] or Gondwanaland[2] was a supercontinent that existed from the Neoproterozoic (about 550 million years ago) and began to break up during the Jurassic (about 180 million years ago), with the opening of the Drake Passage, separating South America and Antarctica occurring during the Eocene. The Gondwana Card may be used throughout the year at: Any of the Gondwana Collection Namibia accommodation properties. Box 80205 Windhoek / Namibia Physical address: 42 Nelson Mandela Avenue – Entrance on Kwame Nkrumah Str. Insects co-evolved with glossopterids across Gondwana and diversified with more than 200 species in 21 orders by the Late Permian, many known from South Africa and Australia. Check Availability. [27] This was relatively short lived (lasting about 20 million years), and initial contact of the two landmasses occurred in the mid-Carboniferous,[27][28] with broader collision during the early Permian. Durch ihre verwandtschaftliche Beziehung zu europäischen Einwanderern waren die Orlam sehr gut mit deren Lebensweise vertraut. Later, 26 to 14 Ma, a series of events severally restricted the Proto-ACC: change to shallow marine conditions along the North Scotia Ridge; closure of the Fuegan Seaway, the deep sea that existed in Tierra del Fuego; and uplift of the Patagonian Cordillera. The Late Devonian extinction probably also resulted in osteolepiform fishes evolving into the amphibian tetrapods, the earliest land vertebrates, in Greenland and Russia. [1] Der Begriff Orlam wurde gebraucht, um sich von den eher traditionell lebenden Nama abzugrenzen. Take our hand and let us introduce you to this awe-inspiring country, Built in close proximity to Namibia’s natural wonders and managed sustainably. Eduard Suess orthographie originellement ce terme Gondwána-Land dans son livre Le Visage de la Terre (das Antlitz der Erde), édité entre 1883 et 1901. Sharing N$ 2 290.00. The continent Australia/Mawson was still separated from India, eastern Africa, and Kalahari by c. 600 Ma, when most of western Gondwana had already been amalgamated. [23] During the paleozoic some blocks which helped to form parts of the Southern Cone of South America, include a piece transferred from Laurentia when the west edge of Gondwana scraped against southeast Laurentia in the Ordovician. The newest lodge of Gondwana Collection Namibia, Etosha King Nehale, opened its doors on 10 June 2020. [36], Antarctica, the centre of the supercontinent, shared boundaries with all other Gondwana continents and the fragmentation of Gondwana propagated clockwise around it. ↑ Rhino tracking in Gondwana Cañon Park. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Rates. Es sollten so viele Bilder und Mediendateien wie möglich in die richtigen Unterkategorien verschoben werden. North China docked with Mongolia and Siberia during the Carboniferous–Permian, followed by South China. Nevertheless whales have been hunted worldwide for centuries because of the many products that they provide: food, oil, gelatine, soap and basic ingredients for cosmetics and medicines. Gonds are followers of … [60], During the Silurian Gondwana extended from the Equator (Australia) to the South Pole (North Africa and South America) whilst Laurasia was located on the Equator opposite to Australia. At c. 83 Ma (right) the South Atlantic was fully opened and the Romanche Fracture Zone was forming near the Equator. Gondwana (and Pangaea) gradually broke up during the Mesozoic Era. By the Mid-Cretaceous, angiosperms constituted half of the flora in northeastern Australia. Check Availability . The Baragwanathia Flora, found only in the Yea Beds of Victoria, Australia, occurs in two strata separated by 1,700 m (5,600 ft) or 30 Ma; the upper assemblage is more diverse and includes Baragwanathia, the first primitive herbaceous lycopod to evolve from the zosterophylls. The Criterion Collection, Inc. (or simply Criterion) is an American home video distribution company that focuses on licensing "important classic and contemporary films". [35] The Gondwana Collection. Your online hub for all things outdoor... Gondwana Travel CentreTel: +264 (0)61 427200Klein-Aus VistaTel: +264 (0)63 258021, Experience Namibia Rates. In contrast to Laurentia, very few insect fossils have been found in Gondwana, to a large extent because of widespread deserts and volcanism. Tall lycopods and horsetails dominated the wetlands of Gondwana in the Early Permian. During the Miocene, the Drake Passage began to widen and as water flow between South America and the Antarctic Peninsula increased, the renewed ACC resulted in cooler global climate. New Caledonia and New Zealand became separated from Australia by continental drift 85 million years ago. The continent of Gondwana was named by the Austrian scientist Eduard Suess, after the Gondwana region of central India which is derived from Sanskrit for "forest of the Gonds". She began writing large format, well illustrated science books after her husband died in 1981. [16], The 18,000 km-long (11,000 mi) Terra Australis Orogen developed along Gondwana's western, southern, and eastern margins. Canyon Village aerial view (2018).jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 13.28 MB Spend an unforgettable day at one of our unique lodges. Reconstructions of (left) a Late Silurian, Peri-Gondwana development: Paleozoic rifts and accretions, Gondwana as part of Pangaea: Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFTorsvikVan_Der_Voo2002 (, "Secular Trends in the Geologic Record and the Supercontinent Cycle", "Wir nennen es Gondwána-Land, nach der gemeinsamen alten Gondwána-Flora, … "(We name it Gondwána-Land, after the common ancient flora of Gondwána …), "Paleozoic terranes of the central Argentina-Chilean Andes", "Gondwanide continental collision and the origin of Patagonia", "The country rocks of Devonian magmatism in the North Patagonian Massif and Chaitenia", "Gondwana Remnants in Alabama And Georgia: Uchee Is An 'Exotic' Peri-Gondwanan Arc Terrane, Not Part Of Laurentia", "Patterns of Gondwana plant colonisation and diversification", "Molecular dating of the 'Gondwanan'plant family Proteaceae is only partially congruent with the timing of the break‐up of Gondwana", "Laurentia-Gondwana collision: the origin of the Famatinian-Appalachian orogenic belt (a review)", "Motion between the Indian, Capricorn and Somalian plates since 20 Ma: implications for the timing and magnitude of distributed lithospheric deformation in the equatorial Indian ocean", "Synchronous emplacement of Ferrar and Karoo dolerites and the early breakup of Gondwana", 10.1130/0091-7613(1996)024<0535:seofak>2.3.co;2, "A review of the evolution of the Mozambique Belt and implications for the amalgamation and dispersal of Rodinia and Gondwana", "The phylogenetic affinities of the enigmatic mammalian clade Gondwanatheria", "Fossil Nothofagaceous Leaves from the Eocene of Western Antarctica and their Bearing on the Origin, Dispersal and Systematics of Nothofagus", "Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of Australia's New Guinea margin in a west Pacific context", "Oblique Convergence along the Chilean Margin: Partitioning, Margin-Parallel Faulting and Force Interaction at the Plate Interface", "Timing and geometry of early Gondwana breakup", "The tectonic history of Drake Passage and its possible impacts on global climate", "Assembly, configuration, and break-up history of Rodinia: a synthesis", "Experimental Approach to the Paleocirculation of the Oceanic Surface Waters", 10.1130/0016-7606(1972)83[2649:eattpo]2.0.co;2, "Cenozoic climatic change and the development of the arid vegetation in Australia", "Extensive 200-million-year-old continental flood basalts of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province", "The breakup history of Gondwana and its impact on pre-Cenozoic floristic provincialism", "A synopsis of events related to the assembly of eastern Gondwana", "Revised plate motions relative to the hotspots from combined Atlantic and Indian Ocean hotspot tracks", 10.1130/0091-7613(1993)021<0275:RPMRTT>2.3.CO;2, "Anatomy and global context of the Andes: Main geologic features and the Andean orogenic cycle", "Syntectonic magnetization of the mid-Palaeozoic Sierra Grande Formation: further constraints on the tectonic evolution of Patagonia", "Evolution of the Southwest Indian Ridge from the Late Cretaceous (anomaly 34) to the Middle Eocene (anomaly 20)", "Global continental and ocean basin reconstructions since 200Ma", "Gondwana from top to base in space and time", "Refining Gondwana and Pangea Palaeogeography: Estimates of Phanerozoic non‐dipole (octupole) fields", "Age constraints on the tectonic evolution and provenance of the Pie de Palo Complex, Cuyania composite terrane, and the Famatinian Orogeny in the Sierra de Pie de Palo, San Juan, Argentina", "Geologic evolution of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen", "Animation of the dispersal of Gondwanaland", "Interactive animation of the breakup of Gondwana", Graphical subjects dealing with Tectonics and Paleontology, "Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gondwana&oldid=1012458603, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 March 2021, at 13:59. The Jurassic was mostly one of hot house conditions and, while vertebrates managed to diversify in this environment, plants have left little evidence of such development, with the exception of Cheiroleidiacean conifers and Caytoniales and other groups of seed ferns. The Gondwana Card is not transferrable and no rights shall be ceded. A rift between the two developed but remained an embayment until the Eocene-Oligocene boundary when the Circumpolar Current developed and the glaciation of Antarctica began. Pangaea was finally amalgamated in the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian, but the oblique forces continued until Pangaea began to rift in the Triassic. Die Gondwana Collection Namibia, meist nur Gondwana Collection oder Gondwana, ist ein Unternehmen der Nature Investments (Pty) Ltd. mit Sitz in der namibischen Hauptstadt Windhoek. This process can be divided into three phases of rifting along Gondwana's northern margin: firstly, in the Devonian, North and South China, together with Tarim and Quidam (north-western China) rifted, opening the Palaeo-Tethys behind them. Palaeontological evidences indicate the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) was established in the Late Oligocene c. 23 Ma with the full opening of the Drake Passage and the deepening of the Tasman Gateway. Enquire. Il a été nommé par Eduard Suess d'après le nom d'une région de l'Inde du nord, Gondwâna (du sanskrit gondavana, forêt des Gonds), où ont été décrites les séquences sédimentaires du Permien-Trias de cet ancien continent. [37], Gondwana began to break up in the early Jurassic following the extensive and fast emplacement of the Karoo-Ferrar flood basalts c. 184 Ma. During the Miocene a warm and humid climate developed with pockets of rainforests in central Australia but before the end of the period colder and drier climate severely reduced this rainforest. The former evolved into the lycopods, that were to dominate the Gondwanan vegetation over a long period, whilst the latter evolved into horsetails and gymnosperms. During the opening of the Indian Ocean, the Kerguelen hotspot first formed the Kerguelen Plateau on the Antarctic Plate c. 118 to 95 Ma and then the Ninety East Ridge on the Indian Plate at c. 100 Ma. By this time, multicellular organisms had evolved, but they were primitive: The few fossils left from this period reveal segmented worms, frond-like organisms and round creatures shaped like modern jellyfish. 90 million years ago) the Andean orogeny changed significantly in character.

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