than 440 Hz, you could try to slow the playback to 432 divided by 440 or 98.2%. 12 months 12 hours of clock 12 o’clock is mid day or midnight 12 days of Christmas 12 steps in AA 12 inches to the foot 12 apostles of Christ 12 primary Qi channels in acupuncture 12 constellations of the Zodiac 12 retainers of Sun god, Ra pulls him through 12 gates of the underworld 12 ordeals of Gilgamesh 12 Roman tablets of law 12 Argonauts with Jason. NO RULES. When you turn a tuning peg on a string instrument or adjust the length of the tube of a wind instrument, it makes it sound a little bit higher or lower. Nevertheless, most symphony orchestras ignore the standard and tune to 441, 442 or 443 Hz instead, while orchestras specializing in older music may sometimes use a tuning close to the one for which the piece was originally written, which may range from 415 Hz to 470 Hz. Originally (from ancient times through the Middle Ages), the hour was divided into 2, 3, 4, or 12 equal parts, but never into 60 (so there wasn’t even a minute). Two separate emails regarding healing effect of 432 Hz crossed my desk twice in one week. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body, the brain, into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war. Information on 432 Hz & 528 Hz are related to tuning fork tones, musical notes and as well as vocals and chanting. To tune to this frequency, a musician would either listen to a tone played by some tuning device and tune by ear or use an electronic tuner. The usual way to specify a tuning is to give the frequency of the note A4. If you dig a lit­tle bit deeper, you will also find an “ex­pla­na­tion” of this phe­nom­e­non. Here’s where the mystery really gets deep. For an example of 432 hertz therapy, see the video here. This means less hearing damage, as long as you put the volume not too high. FREE 432 Hz Music - Stream & Download - 432 Hz Music embedding Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones. 1,490 likes. How will we use it? Virtually all commercially produced contemporary music is tuned to A = 440 Hz. There are millions of people in the world who believe that Goebbels introduced the tuning to make people feel more anxious. 432 hz. I cannot say with certainty that there is no difference in the psychological effects of A = 432 Hz and A = 440 Hz, but I suspect there is no significant difference, since orchestras around the world used to tune to anywhere from 400 Hz to 470 Hz, and if 432 Hz were some kind of a sweet spot, someone would have noticed by now. In order to standardize time measurement, people defined units of time as a fraction of the mean solar day, which is the average time (over one year) the Earth needs to rotate around its axis relative to the Sun, and the first clocks that could accurately keep track of seconds over long periods were constructed only in the 18th century. Fact: The frequency of the heart fluctuates between approximately 1 Hz to 2.5Hz. Both 432 Hz and 528 Hz are healing tones have been written about quite a lot lately. 12 tribes of Israel 12 advisors to the Dalai Lama 12 knights of the round Table 12 tribe nation of Native America 12 generals surrounded George Washington 12 notes of the chromatic musical scale 12 – tone music 12 spheres will completely surround one at its center 12 jury members 12 eggs in a dozen 12 grades at school 12 dots on a domino 12 spaces per side of a Backgammon board 12 monkeys (a science fiction story) 12 digits in a bar code (UPC-Universal Product Code) 12 soil classifications (US Agriculture Dept.) A=432 Hz (or LA=432 Hz) is an alternative tuning that is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the Universe. “how many times you turn the tuning peg”) that tells you how high the string sounds; the higher the tension, the higher the sound, and the thicker the string, the lower the sound. But why? This video was removed from YouTube, because Edge of Wonder was banned. It’s been a great interest in 432 Hz RAVs lately. TRIBES 432 HZ: Jean é La Plastique, has, perhaps composed the 1st Techno+ 432 Hz composition. Any psychological effect of the tuning is likely caused by the simple fact that 432 Hz is different from what we are used to and would be pretty much the same as the effect of 440 Hz if the standard were 448 Hz. User account menu. Press J to jump to the feed. We measure sound frequencies in vibration cycles per second, and the numbers listed above – when played as frequencies – just happen to mirror the exact harmonic patterns found in nature. By the way, I have written several educational ebooks. If you get a copy, you can learn new things and support this website at the same time—why don’t you check them out? Believe me, they knew exactly what they were doing. The 432 Hz tuning, the divine tuning of nature itself, is ultimately defined as one vibration per 21279240.2083 periods of radiation of an uncommon chemical element. The Sacred Geometry contained in the 432 Hz image re-structures the water and can make the liquid thicker and smooth. JoreJj Z. ElprehzleinnPersonal Development Consultant It was like my inner being, my core opened up… Desla EpisonActress Whoever produced these tracks is a genius. In Britain, however, the French standard was interpreted in an erroneous way (it was understood as being relative to a certain temperature), due to which British orchestras commonly tuned to A = 439 Hz. Scientific pitch, also known as Sauveur pitch or Verdi tuning, is an absolute concert pitch standard which is based on middle C (C4) being set to 256 Hz rather than 261.62 Hz, making it approximately 37.6 cents lower than the common A440 pitch standard. We have been left a method of counting and measurement and the importance of dividing a unit by twelve seems to be the main rule given that has been adopted by humanity, Here are some of the ways that I found twelve to be an important number. Ensembles in different regions used tuning forks resonating at different frequencies. Music that is tuned to 432 Hz is more friendly for the ears and unites us to the universal harmony and generates positive effects on mind and body. However, even after the invention of the tuning fork, there was no single standardized tuning. What is it about these and many other numbers that jar something so deep within us that we incorporate them into our myths and spiritual beliefs? Share 15 March 2021. You see, it is the relationship between the thickness of a string and its tension (i.e. In a paper entitled ‘Musical Cult Control’, Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes: “The music industry features this imposed frequency that is ‘herding’ populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness.”. Subscribe for Latest News and Discoveries from Michael Lee Hill. This standard was taken up as the International Concert pitch. 432 Hz = 3,6,9 ! So, yeah. From concert halls to your favorite streaming service, most music you hear today is tuned to 440 Hz. I heard it said perfectly that 440 HZ is pretending to be sacred geometry, the 440 Hz is closest one can come to the real thing while still being an impostor. It would appear that this is the case. The online 432 Hertz converter tool converts music between different frequencies. Would you believe that there is a conspiracy theory about the way we tune musical instruments? To understand what all the fuss is about, we need a little bit of historical background. In 1936 the American Standards Association recommended that the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz. Innovations like The 8Hz Cube & The 432 Hz Cube, key to tuning.. The TRIBES Soundtrack not only is composed at 432Hz, with some 8Hz effects, but the Video Assembly of many numerous Tribal traditions is choreographed & composed/edited by our colleague, Giorgia Gaia, of Jean é La Plastique. A 432 hertz tuning is considered optimal for tuning opera singers and is associated with a higher level of spiritual development. A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. It is exactly three gross, where gross = 144 is a traditional unit. to receive a weekly summary of new articles, Follow me to get updates and engage in a discussion, You can use the image on another website, provided that you. Some of the 432 Player Features:-25,000 + Live Radio Stations from all over the world which can be pitch shifted to 432hz and 528hz in realtime!-Album Art Auto Search (mobile only)- ID3 tags Editing/Displaying -Custom Playlists Creation, Integrate with other music players. When Ivan Yanakiev heard an instrument tuned to 432 Hz, he said, it was like he’d heard God speak. It is now finally being received on this planet. Science proved it. The natural musical pitch of the universe gives a more harmonic and pleasant sound than 440 Hz.432 Hz seems to work at the heart chakra, “the feeling”, and therefore could have a good influence on the spiritual development of the listener. The untrained ears will rarely get to … Eventually, in 1955, the standard A = 440 Hz was adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla. The number is limited, hurry up and get a unique RAV! This eventually led to problems for singers, who complained about having to perform pieces in higher registers than they were originally meant to be performed in. Ingenious, isn’t it? Had we stuck with dividing everything into 12 parts, the “second” could have become 1/12 of a minute or perhaps 1/1728 of an hour (1728 = 12 $×$ 12 $×$ 12), which would give a completely different numerical value for the same frequency. With whom will we be communicating? 432 Hz and Tesla's 369 Decoded “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” - Nikola Tesla 432 Hz – Unlocking The Magnificence Of The 3, 6 and 9, The Key To The Universe! It is important to understand that 432 Hz refers to the number of vibrations per second, and “one second” is a rather arbitrarily chosen unit. Apr 27, 2016 - Tesla said it. The 432 Hz frequency, when used in music, is nice to the ears, brighter, softer, and beautiful. TPTB, are successfully lowering the vibrations of not only the young generation but the rest of us as well. 432 Hz vs 440 Hz: The Truth Behind Why It Hertz so Good! As you probably know, musical instruments need to be tuned. This is the biggest mystery. If you are logged in you can opt-in to get notified by email once the conversion is finished. YouTube Etsy 432 Hz RAV Vast pre-order. These destructive frequencies entrain the thoughts towards disruption, disharmony and disunity. What I can say with certainty, however, is that the arguments about numerical or mystical properties of the number 432 are utter nonsense. Pre­sum­ably, the 432 Hz tun­ing is in some way tuned to the vi­bra­tions of na­ture it­self, whereas the 440 Hz tun­ing was in­tro­duced by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi min­is­ter of pr… If you Google “432 Hz”, you will find a tremen­dous num­ber of ar­ti­cles and YouTube videos about the tun­ing A = 432 Hz and its pre­sumed heal­ing and sooth­ing prop­er­ties. Then around 1940 the United States introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1953 it became the ISO 16-standard. In 1939, there was an international conference held in London that resulted in a recommendation to use A = 440 Hz, as a compromise between the various tuning systems used at the time, some of which reached beyond 450 Hz. The same piece could sound much higher or lower depending on where and when it was performed, and even organs in different churches in the same city could be tuned in completely incompatible ways. The way instrumentalists increase tension now is that they simply buy a thicker set of strings, which, when tuned to the same pitch as thinner strings, produce higher tension. If you Google “432 Hz”, you will find a tremendous number of articles and YouTube videos about the tuning A = 432 Hz and its presumed healing and soothing properties. A NEW, MORE LOGICAL, & UNIVERSAL TUNING OF ALL LIFE & CREATION. No? We recommend you to check other playlists or our favorite music charts. For over 25,000 years the Universal Truth was not available to the people of this planetary system. A). Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. That being said, it seems logical to wonder, can sound frequencies affect us? In Bach’s era, there was no standardized way to tune instruments. 432 Hz is the Universal Frequency of Sacred Geometry. A = 432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. It's all here. Vote. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Because 432 Hz gives a greater clarity than 440 Hz, there’s less need to play it as loud as 440 Hz. Use this tool to convert music from a source frequency (such as standard A 440 Hertz) to a target frequency (such as 432 Hertz, 444 Hertz, and other frequencies). If you dig a little bit deeper, you will also find an “explanation” of this phenomenon. Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English. Furthermore, there’s also less noise pressure. Maggiori informazioni Cerca questo Pin e molto altro su 432 hz … The thing is, the timekeeping unit known as the “second” did not exist until quite recently in our history, so how could our ancestors have known about these harmonies? Fractions of a minute were not used at all (there were no devices at the time that could measure such short periods of time). WATCH, an Mp3 AUMega Trance-432 Hz Song of Ananda Bosman here [note, short version of an 8 minute song, and 70% of the healing effect is gone … The numerical coincidences are too compelling... All over the world and for thousands of years, humanity has revered certain number sequences: 108, 144, 360, 432, 1080, 2160. And then, in the 19th century, the era of pitch inflation started. That’s why the double bass has huge thick strings, whereas the violin has thin strings. comunitÀ per la diffusione del natural tuning 432hz A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal,Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. The 432 Hz synchronizes the whole brain by maximizing the potential of a person as a spiritual being, artist, and thinker. But the information is in such high demand we found another copy and added it below. Now how do we tell the world we need to re-set the International Concert pitch to A = 432 Hz? “If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.” – Confucius. Popular frequencies are for instance 440Hz standard pitch, 432Hz, 528Hz, and 639Hz. Paste your youtube videos. Unfortunately, obtaining thicker strings was not that easy in the 19th century. Deep seekers of the truth that are open minded and ready will receive it. Spread the love. So 432 Hz and 8 Hz are intrinsically linked in this way. According to proponents of the theory, the number 432 has special properties. Fiction: 432 Hz is the frequency of the heart / brain / earth / sun / water. 61.5k members in the YouTube_startups community. 432 Hz - Lucid Dreaming - Sleep - Astral Realm - [Deep Meditation] Close. 11-ago-2020 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. same music. In preparation for this article I have spent days reading blogs and watching YouTube videos on the subject. It is a sum of four consecutive primes: 103 + 107 + 109 + 113. At the urging of singers, the French government made the tuning A = 435 Hz officially standard in France in 1859, and many orchestras and Opera houses in Europe adopted this standard. Yes, that’s right. We decided to open a pre-order for them! iPods or MP3 Players! It does not have a steady frequency that can be multiplied to achieve 432 Hz. I understand that both frequencies, 432 and … He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. TUNE TO A=432 Hz NOW, and be part of the 432Hz Music Revolution! You see, the 60-based mathematical system that led to the creation of the second is not only thousands of years old, it was supposedly “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies”… The Anunnaki! Why is 432 Hz better than 440 Hz? FEATURES. There is even a claim that scientists at Nike found out that the best golf balls have 432 dimples…. They are two ways of expressing the same thing, the real thing! If you enjoyed listening to this one, maybe you will like: 1. Orchestras, competing with one another over better sound, started to tune their instruments higher and higher. This recommendation was further supported by the fact that the BBC required their orchestras to tune to 440 Hz instead of 439 Hz because 439 is a prime number, and the corresponding frequency was hard to generate electronically with standard electronic clocks. THIS IS A NEW MUSIC INNOVATION. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. If you google the topic, you will discover that the debate over which tuning system is optimal is a very controversial and heated one. The movie is packed with revelations, & A New 432 Hz Universal Tempering Music Set holds the background of this 2hours & 48 min documentary.. 432 Hz is felt . The practice of dividing a minute into 60 smaller segments did not appear until the 16th century, and even then different clocks ticked at slightly different rates. Listen to 432 Hz and enjoy living in balance. According to Richard Huisken, music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, giving greater clarity and is easier on the ears. School kids, young adults on their way to work, a woman pushing her baby in a stroller, a man walking his dog and what do they all have in common? Very spiritual, indeed. It turns out that strings sound better (up to a certain point) when their tension is higher. Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the Pioneer of 528 Hz Healing Music, Responds to Mary Henderson, Producer of EmotionalFreedom.TV‘s Popular Blog, Questioning 432 Hertz Tuning, and Why There is a Battle Between 432 and 528 Advocates.. MARY HENDERSON’s QUESTION: Can you please shed some light on this for the people in this group who are confused. You just have to go out in the street and take a look around. 440 Hz / 12 = 36.6666666666666. 432 Hertz Music Converter. The pitches musical instruments produce change over time due to heat and mechanical wear and tear, so until the tuning fork was invented in 1711, there was no simple way to make tunings consistent among different regions and even performances in one region. Manufacturing of strings was a complicated procedure, so rather than changing the manufacturing process, it was much easier to tune the same strings to a higher pitch to increase tension and thus improve the sound. You can also meet fellow … The answer could be frequency harmonics. And, indeed, it is an interesting number. “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”. Vote. -Choose songs or complete folders to play Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation... again? Now, why should 432 Hz be so great? Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. BANNED ON YOUTUBE, BUT REUPLOADED! The musical science of healing is here. 432 Hz Music They are powerful, soothing and comforting… Candy SpenderVisual Artist I admit that I never felt anything like this. flatter), so that "middle A'' was closer to 432 Hz -- but it is essentially the exact. For different instruments (and even different strings of one instrument) to sound good together, they all have to produce the same tone (same pitch) when they play the same musical note (e.g. 440 Hz is the unnatural standard tuning frequency, removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations and overtones that has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man. It comes with 14 hours of the 8Hz/432Hz Music … I wonder why? 432 hertz therapy is aimed at the heart chakra and listening to a 432 hertz frequency is supposed to lead to greater levels of mental and emotional clarity. A NEW DISCOVERY. An equilateral triangle whose area and perimeter are equal has the area of exactly the square root of 432. 12 dozen to a gross 12 parts to Boy Scout Law-Boy Scout Law. And that this theory even involves the Nazis, chakras, and whatnot? 12 stars on European flag 12 faces of a dodecahedron 12 edges of a cube or octahedron 12 vertices or corners of an ocosahedron 12 spokes to a cartwheel 12 stations of the cross 12 the ways in which Wonder Bread is supposed to build strong bodies 12th Night by Shakespeare 12 points in a pica (unit of type measurement) 12 picas to an inch 12 Angry Men (jurors in a play by Reginald Rose) 12 Mormon Apostles (also called Twelve Elders, Twelve Disciples, or Nephrite Twelve) 12 Levels of the Beaufort Scale from measuring wind speed 12 Boxing Categories (from Light Flyweight to Super Heavyweight) 12 Caesars (first twelve emperors of Rome) 12 Face Cards 12 Federal Reserve Banks 12 Historical Books of the Old Testament (books 6-17) 12 Astrological Houses (as in, “the moon is in the seventh house” which is marriage) 12 Imams (prophets recognized by the Shiite Muslims) 12 Labors of Hercules 12 Levels of the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (for measuring earthquakes) 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament (last twelve books of the Old Testament) 12 Olympians (Greek and Roman deities) 12 Softball Player positions 12 Trojan Planets (asteroids in the same orbit as Jupiter), So what happens when you divide today’s music standard of A=440Hz by 12? Many people experience more meditative and relaxing states of body and mind when listening to such music. The Anunnaki are communicating Sacred Knowledge through “Encoded” Crop Circles! Log In Sign Up. There is a theory that the change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. Then you will find many mystical arguments, such that there are 432 Buddha statues on Mount Meru, or that it is somehow related to the location of chakras. If you really want to listen to music that is theoretically "tuned" to 432 Hz rather. What do you see? Einstein agreed. It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more. The modern standard is A = 440 Hz, where Hz is a unit meaning “per second”, so “440 Hz” refers to 440 vibrations per second (such as those of a string). Posted by just now. Using CYMATIC TECHNOLOGY, these sacred geometries manifest into 2D from the power of sound waves alone! This subreddit is to help young YouTube channels get a good start. However, in the 1940s, scientists discovered that the speed of rotation of the Earth is not constant (due to various tidal effects), and the second was eventually redefined as “the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom”. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form. Presumably, the 432 Hz tuning is in some way tuned to the vibrations of nature itself, whereas the 440 Hz tuning was introduced by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda. The current definition is just a coincidence.

Holzbalken Richtig Einmauern, Kostenlos Parken Am Bodensee, Fördermaterial Mathematik Klasse 8, Tiefenkarte Dobersdorfer See, Wm 2020 Tabelle, Weiterführende Schulen Schweiz, Phantasialand Besucherzahlen Wochentage, Erzengel Raphael Kette, University Of Maastricht Bachelor,