Task Forces. It has benefited greatly from the expertise of the Task Force members, which was contributed during the meetings and related exchanges. Launch of the Task Force on the Collaborative Economy Registration is closed for this event The growth of the Collaborative Economy in Europe presents challenges and opportunities for the expansion and evolution of the European Union’s (Digital) Single Market. It is conducted in complete independence. Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow, CEPS and Coordinator of the Task Force; Panel 2: Building Back Better – the industrial strategy in a pandemic economy Speakers: Céline Kauffmann, Head of the SME and … Sviluppo di sistemi software (spesso anche utilizzati in combinazione con hardware) che, dato un obiettivo complesso, sono in grado di agire in modo da percepire l’ambiente che li circonda, acquisire The Task Force, co-chaired by Martin R. Stuchtey and Stef Kranendijk, was composed of business representatives, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organisations and research organisations. Overall, the recent recession has not induced previously immobile workers to become more mobile, at least not in the larger member states. This important and most topical Task Force Report is the result of in-depth discussions between experts from different backgrounds and offers a number of observations and recommendations for a more effective and joined-up European policy response to the protection of critical infrastructure. The task force’s own conclusion is that now is the time to act. We would like to thank Felix Roth who, during his time as Research Fellow at CEPS, started the Task Force and This report is based on discussions in the CEPS Task Force on ‘The Role of Business in the Circular Economy’. The European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) and the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) are inviting market participants, policy-makers and academics to engage in debate on the future of Europe’s capital markets by joining a Task Force that will work with the European Capital Markets Expert Group … This Task Force report combines the most recent data from Eurostat with national sources to highlight the most significant labour mobility trends within the EU. The CEPS Task Force: mission, structure, timeline . The findings of this meeting will contribute to the final report of the CEPS Task Force on Industrial Policy, expected in April 2021. CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies, 1 Place du Congrès/Congresplein, 1000 Brussels. Once registered, you will receive instructions on how to join this event. CONTACT US. This report analyses these challenges in detail, drawing on the discussions and presentations in the CEPS Task Force on ECB Banking Supervision, and reinforced by extensive research undertaken by the rapporteur. The 10th anniversary of the European External Action Service (EEAS) is an opportune moment to take stock of its contribution to creating a more active, coherent and visible EU foreign policy. The CEPS task force includes experts from civil society groups like Access Now and the Center for Democracy and Technology; large tech companies like Microsoft, SAP and Mozilla; and European institutions like the European Parliament and the EU Commission. The report and policy recommendations will be discussed in detail with the members of the Task Force before we proceed to publication and presentation. Task Force Report Launch: A market finance action plan to revitalise Capital Markets Union. During the CEPS Task Force process, the above-mentioned Commission proposal on a European Border and Coast Guard was formally adopted (September 2016), through what has become Regulation 2016/1624.6 The Task Force actively contributed to the discussions leading to its adoption and addressed key issues and This report is based on the discussions of a Task Force on anti-money laundering which was set up and held several meetings over the course of 2020. The Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime welcomes the CEPS-ECRI Task Force report on anti-money laundering in the EU and sees it as an important, timely and useful contribution to the AML reform agenda in the EU. Verso una strategia italiana. The CEPS/QMUL Task Force provided a closed-door platform for debate that enabled a selected group of academics, experts, practitioners, policy-makers and private sector representatives to scrutinise how the UK’s participation in EU criminal justice and police cooperation instruments may evolve in … If you are interested in joining this CEPS Task Force, please fill in and return the attached registration form via e-mail to carolina.polito@ceps.eu by the 25th of October 29 October 2019 – Registration and lunch from 12:15 to 13.00 – Meeting from 13.00 to 17.00. CEPS is an independent think tank based in Brussels. The authors take full responsibility for their findings. The 112-page document is worth a detailed read, but included in this post are highlights from the report and our key takeaways. Il report in esame è frutto di una serie di consultazioni avvenute in seno alla Task Force CEPS-ECMI on Long-Term Investment (1).. Secondo il rapporto, l’Europa è chiamata ad affrontare una duplice sfida: la necessità di dare maggior impulso agli investimenti a lungo termine (fondamentali per il rilancio della crescita economica) e il dover fronteggiare un crescente gap pensionistico. L'iniziativa coinvolge esperti (istituzioni, policymaker, rappresentanti dell'industria e accademici), chiamati a contribuire al dibattito pubblico con l'intento di: Below we present the Task Force’s CEPS acknowledges support from Airbnb, Badi, FREE NOW, Uber and, Zurich Insurance for this Task Force. Please click here for the agenda. Coalition members Europol, Refinitiv and RUSI participated in the Task Force – Refinitiv as a member and Europol and RUSI as observers. La CEPS Task Force: raccomandazioni e spunti. Please do not hesitate to contact Cosmina Amariei by email at: cosmina.amariei@ceps.eu or by phone … This report summarises the work of the CEPS Task Force on Artificial Intelligence, which met throughout 2018. The participation was limited to the members of the experts group and broader task force, academic/policy/industry observers, guest-speakers and contributors. This task force will cover 8 key areas to enable the EU27 to overcome the current crisis in a way that protects the economy, society and the environment. Task Force Rapporteurs: Fabio Genoese and Christian Egenhofer Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) 27 July 2015 The support of the European Climate Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. Arguing that the EU and its member states are uniquely positioned to lead the global community towards responsible, sustainable AI development, its members call upon European leaders to focus on leveraging AI’s potential to foster sustainable development in line with the 2030 … CEPS and QMUL recently concluded a Task Force on “Cross-border data access in criminal proceedings and the future of digital justice”. The CEPS Task Force aims to provide the incumbents at the helm of the EU institutions, in particular the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission (HR/VP), with the narrative and the proposals to strengthen defence cooperation in the EU. This event is free and open to the public, but you must register to gain access to the ZOOM meeting. CEPS Task Force Report Launch. This event is free and open to the public, but you must register to gain access to the meeting. The Task Force’s Report is based on original research and draws upon the existing literature. In November 2020, CEPS launched a new and ambitious Task Force on EU Industrial Policy after the pandemic towards a resilient and sustainable post-pandemic recovery. GCFFC WELCOMES CEPS-ECRI TASKFORCE REPORT ON ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING IN THE EU. The CEPS Task Force has discussed the market developments and examined the framework of EU securities market regulation and the relevant elements of the FSAP. In late June, the CEPS task force published their final report: Software Vulnerability Disclosure in Europe Technology, Policies and Legal Challenges. Due to report in April, the task force hurriedly issued an interim report so that its recommendations could be considered in the run up to the crucial parliamentary vote, Lorenzo Pupillo, head of the CEPS cybersecurity initiative, and the task force coordinator, told CyberScoop. par Kelly | Avr 1, 2021 | Vos publications. Against this background, CEPS brought together executives from major multinational companies as well as representatives of business associations, non-governmental organisations and research institutes to form a Task Force charged with tackling the immense challenges associated with the circular economy. The meeting is open only to Task Force participants. José María Roldán, Presidente, Asociación Española de Banca, served as Chairman of the Task Force. The European Union needs an action plan to stimulate market finance across EU markets. If you are interested in joining this CEPS Task Force, please send your request via e-mail to carolina.polito@ceps.eu by the 17 January 2020 22 January 2020 – Registration and lunch from 12:15 to 13.00 – Meeting from 13.00 to 17.30. This report sets out the elements for the design of a streamlined and future-proof policy on innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe. Despite its significant achievements, the Service still suffers from a … Prometeia è l'unica società di consulenza a far parte della task force sull'Asset Allocation in Europa del Centre for European Policy Search (CEPS) e dell'European Capital market Institute (ECMI). A final report will be prepared by the CEPS-ECMI research staff, proposing a series of policy recommendations. This report is based on discussions in the CEPS Task Force on … It has not been able to conduct an exhaustive review of the latter, however. MEETING 4 – MARCH/APRIL 2019 Launch of the final report

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